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Dota 210 years ago

DAC Grand Finals - Evil Geniuses sweep Vici Gaming 3-0

It is grand finals time and the two powerhouses of the East and the West will face off against each other. Both have had numerous encounters in the past, but who will claim the title in the most prestigious event outside of The International?



Vici Gaming vs. Evil Geniuses 

Game One [W: Evil Geniuses]

Evil Geniuses got a good start with a solid laning stage, going fairly even in mid, while winning the other two lanes. Vici Gaming didn't find any openings, their Rubick+Leshrac combo was inefficient and only Black^ kept up with farm. The Chinese however took a strong fight in their own jungle, kiting around their opponents and trading favorably. Despite that loss however, EG regrouped quickly after farming up crucial items and a tactical smoke gank caught VG slightly off guard. EG followed up with a very disciplined and tactical approach, picking off heroes and slowly sieging highground, punching in their first victory. 


Game Two [W: Evil Geniuses]

The North-Americans once again had control over this game early on, as Universe picked up a timely Blink Dagger and set the pace of this game from the beginning. Vici Gaming got picked off too often and lacked the farm on crucial heroes. While they could trade here and there, Fear remained untouched on his Anti-Mage and was allowed to farm all over the map and when he joined fights, VG had no answer to him. The Chinese squad seemed lost, and with every teamfight their map control diminished until EG secured yet another victory. 


Game Three [W: Evil Geniuses]

Vici Gaming rotated early on, applying pressure on SumaiL's Storm Spirit and killed him 4 times within 5 minutes. However, the Chinese were overly confident, giving away kills and SumaiL scored 6 kills within 10 minutes, putting him back at the top networth chart. The North-Americans took teamfight after teamfight and slowly gained control of the game. Vici Gaming clearly felt pressured, and despite their best efforts they could not repel EG.



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