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10 years ago

DDZ admits involvement in matchfixing, says evidence faked by Arrow's manager

Following his reddit post detailing how he wasn't involved in the matchfixing scandal, ddz has posted an apology on his Facebook page, admitting his part in the matchfixing, stating that they were "pressured to follow whatever [their] manager said."

UPDATE: Arrow Gaming's management have decided to put the final nail in the coffin, and have fired both ddz and Lance. In a post on their Facebook page, they reinforced the claims made by Arrow's manager, stating that ddz's Facebook account was indeed hijacked by his girlfriend, that ddz was the highest-paid member of the team, and that the "evidence" presented were provided by Lance's and ddz's girlfriends. The post also said the team would participate in the upcoming MSIBeatIT Championship with their remaining players MaTteRu, xiangzai, and MoZuN, alongside 2 stand-ins.


Less than a day after his reddit post detailing his non-involvement in the matchfixing scandal, Arrow Gaming's ddz has now doubled back on his statement, apologizing on his Facebook page and admitting his involvement in the matchfixing.

Following multiple accusations that the "evidence" he posted was fake, he has now posted an apology where he admitted that he and Lance decided to throw multiple matches because they "underpaid," and "were desperate for money."

Ddz also said that the "evidence," as well as the statement on reddit he provided, was created by their manager, Jaren Gan, and that they "were advised to cover up for the sake of [their] reputation." He stated that they "knew it was wrong," and only followed their manager's instructions because they were under Gan's employment, and were "extremely pressured to follow whatever [their manager] said."

Despite this, he said that they would "accept 100% the punishment and consequences that is to be made to [them], and give [their] word and promise that [the matchfixing] will never happen again."

Their manager, however, refuted the claims made by ddz's post, saying that ddz's girlfriend was the one at fault, as she herself asked her own friends to fake the conversation. He also said that he paid ddz RM2,500 (around $760) monthly, countering ddz's claims that they were underpaid. In addition to this, he also said that ddz's Facebook account was hijacked by ddz's girlfriend, and that she was attempting to pin the blame on him.

The finger-pointing continued though, as ddz's girlfriend provided a screenshot of a conversation which implicated Jaren Gan as the prime source of ddz's initial reddit post, which Gan countered with a screenshot of his own.

In spite of all of this, the damage seems to have been done, as Arrow Gaming has already been permanently banned from participating in the Synergy League, in addition to being disqualified from The Summit 2's SEA qualifiers.

Source: Facebook