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11 years ago

Yamateh joins Titan as fifth member

Titan, who have been playing with a mystery standin for the past few weeks of competition, have finally announced the fifth member of their team, none other than old school Malaysian superstar Wei Poong 'Yamateh' Ng. 

This transfer comes on the back of Titan parting ways with carry player Galvin 'Meracle' Kang after a string of unconvincing performances in China. During Meracle's one month stint with Titan, Kang has carried Titan to many great comebacks against Chinese powerhouses like Invictus Gaming, DK and Tongfu. After the initial hype, it became more and more apparent that the rest of Titan were suffering from his solo playstyle which was the main factor the team went 0-8 in the December RedBull ECL.

According to Chin Yi 'chenizace' Chen, former team manager of Titan, the members have always wanted to play alongside Ng but Titan owner Damien Grust did not want Ng to be playing part-time. Based on his statement (seen below), Ng has left his family business in the foreign exchange market to play with the team since desperate times warrant desperate needs for the prospective Malaysian team.


We were told by Titan that Ng was never in his family business and may or may not have quit his normal job to become a professional player. What we know is, Ng will be moving into Titan's training house and begin training after Chinese New Year. We were also told that Chen's information is outdated and should not be trusted.

Joining Titan marks the turning point of my career from semi-professional to a full-time professional player. I hope that I can achieve my dream with Titan, which is to stand on top of the world of the competitive gaming scene, as well as to hold up the winner's trophy. Bring it on, I am ready for any challenges that this journey will bring!

- Wei Poong 'Yamateh' Ng, Titan's newest addition.

Yamateh will most likely be returning to his signature solo mid role for Titan, with Kang Yang 'kyxy' Lee moving to the carry position and Chong Xin 'Ohaiyo' Khoo  staying on the offlane, similar to the positions they ran at the Asian Cyber Games. Ng was brought as a stand-in for Kang because he is unable to play for the team due to his nationality. Titan went on to win the ACG with Ng to much acclaim and commendation that his playstyle fits Titan much better than Kang's. 

With this transfer, Orange are once again short on members despite their recent Singaporean additions to the team, while Titan looks set to challenge the newly reformed Scythe.Sg for dominance in the region.

Titan team roster:

Malaysia Joel Zhan Leong 'Xtinct' Chan
Malaysia Chong Xin 'Ohaiyo' Khoo
Malaysia Wai Pern 'net' Lim
Malaysia Kang Yang 'kyxy' Lee
Malaysia Wei Poong 'Yamateh' Ng

Source: Titan eSports