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16 years ago

Fnatic with new DotA team: TLT joins

With the announcement of the new DotA tournament, Fnatic seems interested in DotA again. After they stopped working together with their old DotA team - due to communication problems - it seemed that Fnatic will remain without a DotA team for the next time.
This was proven wrong. Today Sweden The last Try joined Fnatic.

The last Try is well known in the DotA scene, they gathered together, after disbands of some teams, and were seen as the leftover of those who could not join Ravens nor ks^int. Their clanname itself shows a lot of what they aimed for. One last Try to achieve something, to play at top of the DotA scene. They managed to win Dreamhack Summer 2009, a first sign, and when everyone wonders what will happen next, they managed to get onto the Fnatic train.

Fnatic is known for the very top of every better known game section. Their CounterStrike team is outstanding and definitely one of the best. As well they can call good teams in World of Warcraft, Call of Duty 4, Starcraft and Quake.

The Lineup of fnatic's new DotA team (Ex TLT):

Sweden Edvin "Kwom" Börjesson

Kazakhstan Aringazin "Aidar" Aidar
Sweden Jonathan "Loda" Berg
Sweden Björn "Twisted" Alquist
Denmark Rasmus "Misery-" Berth
Germany Rene "Kebap-" Werner

Exclusive statement of DrunKin:
I'm very happy that we can finally announce a new home for TLT, after weeks of searching an organisation we've found a nice home: fnatic. We've also added a new player named 'Aidar' he played for dignitas, we decided to pick him because he fits to our lineup perfectly. Our goals for the future, we'd like to become the best team in the world and also to attend the next dreamhack.

Official Statements from the fanticnews:
Edvin 'Kwom' Börjesson
I believe everyone in the clan is feeling excited about joining fnatic. We are all hoping that we can keep our winning streak as a dota team even though we recruited a new player! But in time I believe this dota team can become by faar the most legendary team the dota universe has ever whitnessed!

Elroy 'Noname' Pinto
As we had always envisioned we wanted to get back into DOTA, after weeks of reviewing and weighing our options. We were approached by some of the best teams and in the first conversation with them (Kwom & Loda) I knew we saw eye to eye on several topics. Their view of DOTA and eSports was perfect but most importantly they were understanding of the organisation and it's views - such players are hard to come by in this day and age.

We also have a lot of activities planned with the new DOTA team, so in the coming weeks stay tuned to those.

With the addition of this DOTA team we're looking to a team that can not only match expectations of a brand like Fnatic but also be able to take on the best with great success. This so far has been perfectly reflected by the guys at The Last Try who from now on will be called FnaticMSI.DOTA!

Fnatic.MSI - TLT joins fnatic