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10 years ago

Titan, EnVyUS switch players

Titan has announced that they have changed their rosters - removing kennyS and apEX in favor for SmithZz and shox from Team EnVyUS.

The French shuffle returns! Following Team EnVyUS and Titan's recent lackluster performances on and offline, the two French squads have traded players from both teams in hopes for improvement.

Titan has removed players Kenny "kennyS" Schrub and Dan "apEX" Madesclaire. Both of these players were both known for being the superstars of Titan -- kennyS, for his dominant AWPing performance, especially during 2014 and early 2015, and apEX, for his incredible, yet somewhat inconsistent ability to pull out an entry frag from seemingly nothing.

These two players have been replaced by two former members of Titan -- Edouard "SmithZz" Dubourdeaux and Richard "shox" Papillon. SmithZz, while not famously a mad fragger, was the "glue" for EnVyUS, opening up rounds for his team with important frags. Shox, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. Perhaps the most infamous French CS:GO player, shox is known for his aggressive, deathmatch heavy playstyle, which allows for him to get tons of kills and, more importantly, sweet frag clips.

Today I am leaving Titan for a new challenge. I am enthusiastic for the future, but at the same time nostalgic of what I leave behind. Even beyond the game, Titan remains one of my best adventures when it comes to people and I am not ready to forget it. I really appreciated these 15 months surrounded by everyone who made this team work, thanking them and wishing them the best of luck in the future! - Kenny "kennyS" Schrub on his leave from Titan.

I am really eager to play with Kévin, Mathieu and Cédric. We already know each other well but I also know that we've all grown these past months. We are returning to a four man lineup that has already proven itself in the past, and having someone like Mathieu on top of that can truly benefit us in and out of the game. I am confident in this team and I believe we hold all the cards in order to make this a success. Thanks to Titan for their confidence and thank you to our fans, I promise to give you my very best. - Richard "shox" Papillon on his return to Titan.

Team EnVyUS' NBK has also released a vlog on his thoughts about the changes, seen below:

Quotes from

Headline Image: Facebook

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