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10 years ago

Fnatic: Winners of Inferno Online Pantemera Challenge

Six teams entered the Inferno Online Pantemera Challenge and Fnatic have come out on top, overcoming Titan in the Grand Finals 2-0.


IOS Pantamera Coverage Hub

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After an impressive first half on Cache for world no. 2 Fnatic, things seemed to begin to slip from their grasps when world no. 5 Titan took over the second-half CT side on Cache. Heading in to the second half, Fnatic would take a 14-3 lead before Titan would go on to take 11 of the next 14 rounds and give Fnatic possible de ja vu of the epic Titan comeback on Cache at the ESEA Lan Finals event last year.

A strong hold of the B bombsite in round 29 gave Fnatic the first map and a 1-0 lead heading in to Inferno, arguably Fnatic's best map. Titan's KennyS continued his fine run of form, leading Titan with 26 kills and nearly clutched a 2 v 1 in the match point round for Fnatic to extend the map.

Fnatic would lose to knife to begin Inferno and were relegated to the unfavoured Terrorist side, but winning the first-half pistol allowed them to jump out to a 4-round lead to start their half before Titan picked up their first round of the second map. Titan would go on to take 7 of the next 11 rounds and finish the first half strong at 8-7 over Fnatic.  Titan would go on to take the second-half pistol in epic fashion, with Ex6tenz taking a thrilling one-on-one against JW to end the round.


The winners of IOS Pantamera - Fnatic


Fnatic would go on to come back and bring the second half to 15-15 in their map pick, with KennyS dropping 30+ kills in the first 30 rounds. Continuing their strong close to the second half, Fnatic would take two of three in overtime on the CT side. Titan would take the first two rounds of their CT half, including a very strong retake of bombsite B in the 35 round when it seemed that Fnatic were looking likely to run away with overtime.

Fnatic would pick up the 36th round, sending the game into double overtime. The two teams were level through the first three rounds of the second overtime at 20-20 heading into the 41st round.

Finally, with some heroics from Flusha at the conclusion of the match, Fnatic are your Inferno Online Pantemera Challenge winners. Flusha clutched the round the win the second overtime, and Fnatic have topped Titan to secure their first grand final of the year.

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