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StarCraft 29 years ago

New season - new maps

With new season come new maps and hopefuly better balance as the developers and the community continue to disscuss possible changes.

The Community Feedback Update from March 11th? brings the ideas for the new maps in season 2 while also disscussing possible balance changes in the future as the developers and the community stick heads together once again.

As the developers have stated many times, they are trying to make playing ladder as fun as possible so their strive to make the maps as different and as exciting to play as possible. We are having the same map pool for the 2nd season now and it becomes boring to play the same maps for 4 months, so they promise good changes.

They took advice from Korean casters as well as the community from all over the world, which means that every region(server) brings in it's share to balancing and making the game as fun as possible. That means that the maps should be balanced once done and also fun both to watch and to play.  The changes look promising as we await the new map pool for season 2.

Balance is still a disturbing question as more and more ideas come in every day trying to improve the current state of the game. Even though game is balanced on pro level (top 32 GSL players consisted of 10 Terran, 11 Zerg and 11 Protoss and now that top 16 has been decided races look very balanced) the community still find some game mechanics broken such as  overlord drops, ravagers, etc.

There are still a lot of  ideas  open and being disscussed with also promising buffs for Terran units focused especially on early to mid game or(and) to make mech viable again. Everything is still in the air though so none of the information is final as they still invite is to join the fun when they release the balance maps for us to test.  

To see the full idea behind the maps and balance head over to the original thread.