All News
General21 years ago

Site & StarGate info

As common these days, the programming and administration team has some updates for you, this time regarding the replay section, the Starcraftgamers Crew, King of the hill and the StarGate server. But one at a time, first out is:

Replay section changes
I made some design changes mostly. Removed the /10 in the ratings, made the colors differ from every other line. Also added colors to Recommended Replays (green) and Replays With Audio (Light blue). While hovering the mouse over a replay the background color will be solid blue.

I did some changes in the sorting/search section, adding a feature called "Show only" (where you can select "only replays", "only replays with audio" or "both"). Also, added a sorting so you can sort by downloads, date, player 1, player 2, map, number of comments, and so on.

Check it out » in the replay section.

Since I personally don't use the replay section that much, I would really much appreciate if you could post some serious suggestions in the » Suggestion forum, where you should use constructive criticism - not just saying what is wrong (instead explain how it could be changed to something better or why you dislike something, etc).
koth.jpg The King of the hill series. With Testie as the current King of the hill, we are now inviting people to challenge. We've (unfortunately) chosen to skip the challenger tournament that we announced previously. However,
Sweden poGDI and United States Oddson will be presenting the new challenger in the feature section soon.

Crew changes.
Two crew members left us recently. First out we have Sweden Chris » "roCh" Jelinski (Editorial Staff), an old school crew member who lost the interest. You might remember him from reporting the news when Ogogo beat the French national team months ago, in the new PC Café, which was roCh's last post.

1584.jpgSweden Niklas » "BoYd" Boydell (Editorial Staff), left us as well - same reason, lack of interest in the game. You might remember Boyd from his picture (doing the ":P" smiley here to the right) or for his news about the new poll. ZoXXeR or Karon will be taking over the poll job, and a new one will be published within a few days.

Both these ex-crew members have said they will be staying here at the site even if they won't play anymore, and we wish them the best of luck with whatever they do in the future, thanks for your effort to the community!

3141A fresh new soul has joined the Crew as well.
United States Jimmy » "DJTyrant" Blocksom will be working in the Editorial Staff and you've already seen him report that
Poland sYs joined » Templars of Twilight.

StarGate Season One. We know you have been waiting excitedly for the first real season to start and I must tell you, we have been too! Our beloved doctor Argentina Ragnar » "Entropy" Birko will be investing in a new server for non-gaming related purposes and told us we can use the computer for the server as well. I've personally checked the computer specifics and it looks great, if the server doesn't take too much CPU-Power we might host some files there, but who knows. Still though, we don't know how many days exactly there will be until we can have the server up and running. We want to have everything fixed before we let everyone in there. Please be patient for just a bit longer and we'll set it up as soon as we can, it will be our number one priority as soon as the server account is activated.

// Kind regards,
The GosuGamers Crew through Jonathan "Mazor" Littke.