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General17 years ago

StarCraft 2: The Zerg Units!

Its been a long time coming finally Blizzard has seen fit to give us the third and final race. Here it is ladies and gents The Zerg!

Nydus Worm
Swarm Guardian
Infested Terran

The New Units

Out with old and in with the new as they say. The Zerg are getting some brand new units in StarCraft 2 that will majorly change the game. The new members of The Swarm look very interesting and the old units have picked up some new abilities.


The Baneling is a evolution of the Zergling. Doing heavy damage to large groups of units and moving very fast in a rolling motion. It appears to be much like the infested Terran unit with a suicidal splash damage attack. The function and appearance look to be the same as the original release of this unit at the World Wide Invitational.


A medium sized unit with a very high speed of movement and regeneration rate, The Roach appears to be formidable opponent for all the races. Not much is known about this unit yet but it looks like it does some sort of splash damage with green acid.


With the loss of the Defiler, the Zerg have adapted with this new unit the Infestor. It can move under the earth and will have alot of the same abilities as its predecessor including swarm, and plague. A new ability has been introduced, called Infestation it allows the Infestor to take over buildings and create Infested Terran out of them. The only buildings confirmed for infestation are the Barracks and the Supply Depot.



This flying unit has the special ability to infest other flying units and take control of them. It is a air to air unit but dont let that mislead you about its power. A group of these can take over a large air army and turn it against its creator, making this a fearsome addition to the Swarms arsenal.

Swarm Guardian

This unit appears to be unchanged for the most part but it does have the ability to create broodlings. What is in store for this member of the Swarm remains to be seen but it appears to be a very promising unit.

Teaching a Dog New Tricks

Alot of the older units have gained some fascinating new abilities. The Queen seems to have taken a much larger role in the game, you will be able to spawn this unit from the beginning and her major role will be defensive. The Zergling remains mostly unchanged except for its ablilty to mutate into the Baneling. One of the most fearsome units in the game, the Ultralisk has gained the burrow ability and will now be able to lie in wait for its enemies.

Overlords with their massive usefulness for detection and transportation will now have to get an upgrade to detect stealthed enemies. Lurkers are now visible when burrowed and seems to be much more cost effective due to the amount of them fielded in a single army. With these changes the Swarm seems to be headed towards a very evolved state! Now who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks huh?

For the Swarm!

This is the last installment of the races and now we can get a small idea of how Blizzard has been shaping the game. The release date still has not been set and Blizzard is keeping their mouths shut about any general time frame. Thought it cannot be too much longer now that all the races have been released there are still quite a few bugs to work out but who knows when it will happen. Stay tuned to GosuGamers for your latest news on StarCraft 2!

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