All News
General19 years ago

The Cannon


Back to basics. Ain't she pretty? Editorial Staff is open for recruitment. We will be adding ten new editors to our staff. If you've ever thought about newswriting, the time is now.

With out further delay we bring you an old classic picture to add to your collection of Starcraft fan art. The cannon by Russia Dr.Hell.* That is if you collect in the first place. We are keeping up until we find a better one but our last picture just had to go. Please harrass me when I do not change the POTW in a timely fashion. PM me with your suggestions too.

The Cannon by Russia Dr.Hell

We are in dire need of good writers so if you see yourself writing here at do not hesitate to apply for the Editorial position. By the way we are also still looking for German and Polish Editors. In particular, we are seeking someone willing to represent their communities with diehard passion. We are looking for hard working individuals that want to help out the StarCraft community as a whole. If you're interested in just the position for the name sake - don't bother.

It seems that my google search paid of and he was indeed Russian. The art is originally from where you can find other fan material, some non Starcraft related. Thanks a~V0u[S2] for information.

Links - Source - Looking German Editors - Looking Polish Editors