The new WCG map Gaia prooved to be a hot spot for intense and exciting games as we were able several times already. Once again another amazing replay showed up giving us a 50 minutes long Protoss vs Zerg game. Look forward to this RR.
WCG is coming closer to almost every Broodwar nation now, same as it does to the nation #1 when it comes up to Broodwar :

Protoss APM : 226
Zerg APM : 207
Game duration : 49:50
Protoss starts with fast exp followed by corsair while Zerg goes for dual expantion and ling/lurker combination and turns then into a really long and amazing Protoss vs Zerg game. Almost every spell is used like Darkswarm, Bloodbath, Psionicstorms as well as drops all over the map. Both player run out of expantions, Protoss switches to carriers, while Zerg goes for many lings/ultralisks with darkswarm support.

Links - Download the replay here