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General22 years ago

CC Slide bug resurrected

[subject_starcraft]Daylight has come for another bug! Our beloved latest patch for Starcraft (1.10) has done it again. This time it's the very old CC Slide Bug that has returned. CC Slide is a bug where you are able to move your command center nearer the minerals than originally allowed by the game. The effect is mining improvings 'cause the SCV's are closer to the mineral fields. CoSmo, admin at World Game Tour, has created a guide which shows exactly how and what to do to make the bug take place including a step by step guide with pictures. This is a quote from his guide:

"How you could use it in game: While its rather unreasonable to lift your Command Center in your main base during the game, if you macro correctly ( keeping minerals under 100 ) you can accually do this to your expo, thou it takes much practice, you are able to land every expo closer to the minerals thus making your mining much more effective. GL HF ~"
- Cosmo @ WGT
  • ccslidebug.jpg
    Image above created by
Starcraft Legacy.

Links - Source - Guide for CC Slide bug by Cosmo