Another week gone means another update on the world of Starcraft with your friendly neighborhood Terran, Artosis!
Artosis fills you in on everything you need to know, and you can follow this link to watch it.
This week, sadly, there's not very much nerd rage, as Artosis is in a pretty good mood. In his glee, he'll give you tips on how to get 20/20 vision while playing Starcraft all day!
He also discusses Dreamhack and all of ret's success, ret's battle against eStro, SC2GG Starleague, and Zotac cup where an eStro coach will be participating. Day 9 is also congratulated for qualifying for the WCG, and Artosis predicts that SC2 will be out on MONDAY! As in June 22! I hope Artosis' crystal ball is accurate...
Finally if you found yourself getting a fuzzy feeling inside while watching Artosis, a fuzzy feeling called "love", it's probably because you were entranced by his really, super, duper, cool shirt! So if you want to be his twinkie and wear cool nerd clothes too, you can go to the handsome nerd website here and get yourself some sexy swag.
SCForAll - Video page with all the goodies - The greatest clothes of all time