The year is 2761 A.D.
Great wars between the Terrans, Protoss and Zergs have since long been ended. Much has happened since the great wars, but so much of the old worlds seem to remain. The Overmind of the Zergs still exists, but unable to control all of its cerebrates as it could before. Many Zergs from the old worlds have broken loose from the mind control and have instead turned to the Protoss for shelter. The Terrans, driven by their hunger for more knowledge of the world, too understood that developing their technology was by searching not only within their own race but also within others.
For the first time ever, a peaceful harmony between the three major races of the galaxies was created and as time passed, they started living more and more unitedly. Instead of having sectors and worlds of their own, nowadays most of the living beings in the galaxies are living side by side.
To further strenghten the friendliness between the races, the Protoss continued with their once out-died project called 'Dae'Uhl'.
Dae'Uhl |
Oldar, a High Templar, have in the name of Dae'Uhl initiated a project to create so-called 'planet federations', a sector of planets which would be joined under the command of the Protoss - yet democratic, respresenting the will of each inhabitants. Planet Federations was a step towards even more stable relationships to make sure to avoid great wars like those in the past.
Solar Federation - The first planet federation ever to be created
Planets are including the Earth and its surround planets and outlying wastelands
Image © Blizzard Entertainment 2006
Planet Earth and surrounding planets - The first Planet Federation
Located in the Milky Way galaxy, the old Terran homeplanet Earth and its outlying wastelands was the first sector to create a planet federation. Oldar and the Terrans were joined in thoughts as the first planet federation was officially created in 2763 A.D - called the Solar Federation. After the Protoss Khalai workers had heavily restored and improved the planets in the Solar Federation, the sector two years later served as the first planet federation in history. Oldar had created what was long gone and was with the Solar Federation able to give shelter to billions of living creatures from a seemingly endless amount of races.
Nevertheless, what was believed to be 'the core planet', the Earth itself, did not stick to each of the rules the Protoss had set up. The Earth demanded not only to be the trading center of the Solar Federation (as it had been during the U.E.D), it was also arming in order to create peace keeping force. A force, which the Protoss believed to be no need for since Templars and Judicators were protecting the federation.
Earth divided into nations
As many different wills on the Earth raged, unity was hard to keep and different parties were formed. The differing arguments got so strong and as tension rose, the people separated the land sectors from each other, initially to continents and eventually turned into nations. What was once called the European continent was the one to engage combat first, and was the place were Oldar and his Protoss allies made several attemps to lower the temperature in the arming and lower the speed of the war-preprations. They tried but failed.
Because not even Oldar in all his might could stop the movement that had begun. The reasons of the conflict felt more and more distant. Even the Protoss themselves got so involved in the conflict that they were no longer walking on the path of Khala and no longer emphasizing unity and brotherhood. The struggle to become the ruler of the Earth got so blinding that other purposes were lost; races once united were now arming against one another.
Wars raged, and for six long years attacks after attacks took place. National wars were fought seemingly for the fighting itself, because the purpose of the conflict was since long blown away. While these attacks and fights were actual wars, it was rare to see anyone actually got killed in the battles. Experienced warriors - later called 'war masters' or simply 'gosus' - who had fought for their nations for years were trained and are still today member of the armies. After all these years they have become skilled, constantly war hungering warriors who received medical healing after each battle to keep themselves alive. In fact, these warriors became to powerful that the national wars at times seemed too friendly due to the lack deaths that the competition between the war masters got more interesting than fighting for the national armies. Therefore, annual tournaments such as the 'World Cyber Games' were created to name the best war master of Earth. And at the stage of these competitions, the Earth had medical technologies at such a level that a dead war master could be ressurected up to one week after this death in a tournament. Only six months from today, an international ranking called the 'Gosu Gamers Database' was created for war masters.
France blamed for failure in medical technologies
When many believed Earth had finally reached the end of the era of national wars, something happened; on Earth the psionic source of healing had drained. France, controlling the healing equipment, were instantly blamed for not warning of this event in time and got the world's eyes upon them.
The last attempt: Paris negociations
The Nordic alliance, and especially Sweden, blaimed France for intentionally destroying the healing equipment. Tension once again rose between the battle-scarred countries who were now all armed to their teeth with weapons and guns - although this time no healing was available. Oldar made a last attempt to rejoin the planet in a final meeting in Paris. Guarded by the French national army, Oldar believed to have chosen a safe spot for negociations. Evidently, he was mistaken, unable to see the extremly tense situation between the countries. The negotiations were turned down by the countries in the American continents and while plannings were still in action, Sweden had had enough. Sweden believed that not only did the French intentionally destroy the healing equipment, they now also wanted to be the presidents of the Solar Federation and hold the negotiations in their capital city.
To arms, soldiers! The CIVIL WAR has begun.
THE FIRST BATTLE: Sweden invading France
Image © 2006
Dont miss the reference feature from two years ago: » Sweden vs France, medieval attack. Make sure to read the next issue of the Solar Federation Times for updates on the Civil War - Combat Zone: Paris.