GosuGamers ESL Kuala Lumpur 2023 10x Regular 3-Day Ticket + 2x Plus 3-Day Ticket Giveaway Terms & Conditions


“GosuGamers ESL Kuala Lumpur 2023 10x Regular 3-Day Ticket + 2x Plus 3-Day Ticket Giveaway” (“Contest”) Sponsored and organized by Gosu Media Pte. Ltd., 33 Ubi Avenue 3 #02-23/24/25 Singapore 408868.


1. Duration

1.1 This Contest begins on Nov 17, 2023 at 2000 hours GMT +8 and ends on Nov 30, 2023 at 2359 hours GMT +8  (“Contest Period”).

1.2 The Organiser may at its sole and absolute discretion decide to extend or terminate the Contest Period at any time without any prior notice to any party. Unless an Extended Period is announced (“the Extended Period”), any redemptions requested after the end of the Contest Period (due to any reason howsoever and/or whatsoever arising) shall be rejected. Any participation in the Contest during the Extended Period (if any) shall be governed by these terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) which shall remain in full force and effect. For the avoidance of doubt, any cancellation, termination or suspension by the Organiser of the Contest shall not entitle the Eligible Participants to any claim or compensation against Organiser, its agents and employees for any and all losses or damages suffered or incurred by the Participants as a direct or an indirect result of the act of cancellation, termination or suspension thereof.


2. Eligibility

2.1 The Contest is open to all citizens aged eighteen (18) and above as of Jan 1, 2023. Participants under the age of eighteen (18) years old must obtain consent from parents or legal guardians and by participating in this Contest, it is deemed that consent has been obtained (“Eligible Participants”). Employees and immediate families of the Organiser, its related companies and agencies and appointed distributors are not eligible to participate in this Contest.


3. Contest Mechanics

3.1 This Contest applies for the following Social Media accounts:

(a) GosuGamers X (https://x.com/GosuGamers

(b) GosuGamers Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/GosuGamers

3.2 How to participate:

3.2.1 Eligible Participants are required to have a public X and / or Facebook account depending on the specific contest.

3.2.2 On X, Eligible Participants are required to Follow GosuGamers X, Like and Retweet the contest post on their personal account, and provide their most creative answers in the comment section.

3.2.3 On Facebook, Eligible Participants are required to Follow GosuGamers Facebook, Like and Share the contest post on their personal account, and provide their most creative answers in the comment section.

3.2.4 The Organiser reserves the right to reject any Eligible Participants failing to meet the requirements above, including and not limited to item 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 herein stated.


4. Contest prizes

4.1 The Contest will have three (3) winners in total on X.  Two (2) of said winners are entitled to two (2) ESL Kuala Lumpur 2023 Regular 3-Day Tickets (prize) per winner. One (1) of said winners is entitled to two (2) ESL Kuala Lumpur 2023 Plus 3-Day Tickets.

4.2 The Contest will have three (3) winners in total on Facebook. Each winner is entitled to two (2) ESL Kuala Lumpur 2023 Regular 3-Day Tickets (prize) per winner.

4.3 The Organiser reserves the right to substitute any of the prizes stipulated within clause 4.1 and 4.2 with items deemed to be of equivalent value in its sole and absolute discretion and without prior notice.


5. Judging / Winning Criteria

5.1 The entries will need to have complied with Clause 3 (Contest Mechanics) to be selected as the winning entry, and the participant is only allowed to win once throughout the Contest Period, following all of the terms and conditions stated above. Multiple entries are not allowed.

5.2 Subject to Clause 5.3, the Organiser will shortlist the prize winner(s) at the end of the Contest Period, unless otherwise stated by the Organiser.

5.3 The Contest’s winning mechanics will be determined by the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right to amend and change the Contest’s winning mechanics at their sole discretion without having to assign any reason whatsoever.

5.4 Contest winner(s) will be selected and announced within the next thirty (30) working days from the end of the Contest Period.

5.5 All of the Organiser’s decisions in connection with this Contest shall be final, conclusive and binding and the Eligible Participants agree to abide by the Organiser’s decision with respect to all aspects in connection with this Contest. By participating in this Contest, the Eligible Participants agree not to challenge and/or object to any decisions made by the Organiser in connection with the Contest.


6. Notifications of Contest winner(s) and Prize Collection

6.1 Contest winner(s) will be notified by the Organiser via X or Facebook direct message (DM). Contest winner(s) are required to provide their full name, age, and email within twenty-four (24) hours after the Organiser has notified via direct message (DM). The Organiser reserves the right to forfeit the prizes or assign the prizes to another Eligible Participant should the originally selected winners fail to provide the required details within the stipulated time frame.

6.2 The Organiser, its partners and its sponsor(s) (if any) will not be held liable in the event of non-receipt or delayed delivery of the notification to the Contest winner(s).

6.3 The Organiser reserves the right to appoint a third party to conduct the verification of Contest winner(s) and the Contest winner(s) agree and authorise that the Organiser may provide all necessary information of the Contest winner(s) to such third party for the aforesaid purposes.

6.4 All prizes which are not claimed shall be forfeited within fourteen (14) days from the winner announcement. Prizes are not exchangeable, transferable or redeemable in any other form for whatever reason. Contest winner(s) are solely responsible for the collection of their prizes.

6.5 All Contest winner(s) must abide by the terms and conditions of the parties arranging and/or providing for the prizes and the terms and conditions attached to the prizes, if any.

6.6 The Organiser makes no warranties or representations whatsoever with respect to the prizes and shall not be responsible nor liable for any problems and/or damage there to or arising therefrom.

6.7 In the event a Contest winner(s) chooses not to accept the prizes, they will disclaim all rights, interests and claims to those prizes and the prizes will be dealt with according to the sole and absolute discretion of the Organiser.

6.8 All prizes are accepted entirely at the risk of the Contest winner(s), and the Organiser excludes all liabilities, representation and warranties in connection with any prizes to the extent permitted by law.

6.9 All brands, names and trademarks associated with or used to describe some of the prizes are owned by their respective owners. The Organiser and its affiliates are not related to, connected to or associated with these parties in any way.

6.10 Organiser reserves the right to disqualify, at its sole and absolute discretion, any Eligible Participants and/or revoke or forfeit any prizes at any stage of the Contest if: (a) The participant is not an Eligible Participant(s); (b) Entry(ies) that are incomplete and/or illegible, lewd, obscene, pornographic, racist, sexist, tampered with or otherwise inappropriate to the Contest; (c) The eligibility to win the Contest is on the condition that Eligible Participants fully comply with the terms and conditions stipulated herein; (d) Entry(ies) are incomplete and/or failure to fulfil all or any of the terms and conditions stipulated herein will automatically be disqualified from the Contest without prior notice; (e) Breach of any of the terms and conditions or other rules and regulations of the Contest or violation of any applicable laws or regulations; (f) Organiser has, at its sole discretion, any reason whatsoever to believe that such Eligible Participants has attempted to undermine the operation of the Contest in any way whatsoever, including but not limited to fraud, cheating or deception.

6.11 By participating in the Contest, accepting or collecting any prizes, the Eligible Participants are fully responsible and agree to indemnify the Organiser, all its business partners, its subsidiaries, affiliated companies and/or agencies, together with their respective directors, employees representatives, retailers, distributors, dealers as well as its advertising, creative, media, digital, design and other creative agencies of the Organiser and any other participating sponsors related to this Contest, from any claim, prosecution, judgement, damage, loss or liability which all prizes winners may have or suffer, whether known or unknown at the present time, of any nature whatsoever, arising out of or relating to: (a) the Contest, (b) personal injury and/or property damage, theft or loss suffered by the Eligible Participants as a result of their participation in the Contest and in the use and/or enjoyment and/or acceptance of the prizes won by the prizes winner, or (c) the use of prizes winner’s name(s), likeness, biography, voice(s) or videotape recordings of the prizes winner by the Organiser or otherwise in connection with or related to the Contest referred to herein pursuant to the permission hereby granted.

6.12 All rights and privileges herein granted to the Organiser are irrevocable and not subjected to rescission, restraint or injunction under any and all circumstances. Under no circumstances shall the Eligible Participants have the right to seek for injunctive relief or to restrain or otherwise interfere with the organization of the Contest, the production, distribution, exhibition and/or exploitation of the Contest and/or any product based on and/or derived from the Contest.

6.13 By participating in this Contest and accepting the prizes, the Eligible Participants agree and have given the Organiser the rights to use the name, story, photograph, particulars, documents and information without any royalty or compensation for the purpose of advertising and all other forms of publicity from time to time including, without limitation to any taping(s) and recording(s) in connection with the Contest.

6.14 The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify in its sole discretion the following entries and/or person(s) without having to furnish any proof or explanation to the Eligible Participant:(a)any entries suspected of a syndication; (b) and any other disputable entries which appear questionable to the Organiser.

6.15 The Organiser, all its business partners and other parties involved in this Contest, including their directors, officers and/or agents are not liable in any way for the following: (a) Any additional expenses incurred for taking part in this Contest; (b) Any sort of technical failure or otherwise, but not limited to computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures or any other causes beyond the reasonable control of the Organiser.; (c) Intervention by unauthorized parties during the Contest; (d) Electronic or human errors in the administration of the Contest and processing of entries; (e) Any entry that is lost, stolen, damaged, wrongly delivered, misdirected or not received. Proof of postage is not proof of receipt.

6.16 In the event of any dispute, conflict, uncertainty or ambiguity relating to the Terms and Conditions hereto, or any matter involving this Contest, the Organiser will resolve the matter in its absolute and unfettered discretion and the entire decision in the matter by the Organiser shall be conclusive and final.

6.17 By participating in this Contest, each Eligible Participant fully and unconditionally agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions. All decisions made by the judges and Organiser are final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained.

6.18 All personal data collected will only be used for the purposes of managing and operating the Contest and not for any other purposes and the Organiser shall manage the personal data according to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010.

6.19 These terms and conditions of the Contest shall be construed, governed and interpreted in accordance within the country participants reside in.






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