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General12 years agoGosuGamers Staff

SjoW signs with prOperty

One of the strongest Swedish Terrans is finally back. After going inactive due to his former team's disbandment, Jeffrey "SjoW" Brusi rejoins the scene, signing with team prOperty.

SjoW entered the scene with a bang right after the launch of WoL and stayed a strong competitor all through 2011. Aside from claiming other titles his biggest achievement was winning the IEM Season V - European Championships at the start of 2011.

On the 12th of December 2012, his former team Eclypsia, disbanded, leaving SjoW without a team. He went inactive and was reportedly not playing at all. Now with the release of HotS and a new team to back him up, he hopes to rejoin the scene and retake his former glory.

Here's a statement from SjoW himself:

"Im motivated again and since HotS just released I felt like it's a perfect time to come back. I've had a 6 month break from SC2 and I just started playing again for a little less than one month. Since prOperty is an all Swedish based team and management I'm sure I'm gonna fit right in, and so far everyone has been really nice."

Here's a short interview with SjoW conducted by

Source: Team Liquid

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