Nunu and Lulu are mentioned as the "omnisupports" of League of Legends, having few (or none) notable weaknesses, the former characterized as a champion that ensures a win if the AD makes it past the 30th minute.
On to champions considered broken, Doublelift examines Kha'Zix and his ability to poke for high amounts of damage that distinguishes him from other assassins in the game that have to go "all in" and are predictable that way. Down in bot lane, Twitch is given as an example of a champ that needs nerf before he becomes the "new Ezreal", being armed with a large arsenal of weapons, including "stealth, movement speed increase, attack speed steroid, AoE slow, true damage, burst, the highest range in the game, and the highest scaling in the game of any AD".
Lastly, Doublelift educates readers on who the sleeper OP is in this patch, namely none other than the long-forgotten Trundle. Why is that?
While many of the topics in DL's post will not come as a surprise to most LoL players, his opinion on Trundle is surely something to consider. The troll has not seen competitive play in a tremendously long time and the possibility of him making return after this tidbit of theorycrafting is something to get excited about.
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