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13 years ago

GosuLeague DotaTV Ticket now available

The GosuLeague Tournament Ticket is now available for just $0.99 or €0.79 in the Dota 2 store.

As GosuLeague Season 4 starts upcoming Tuesday, 2 October, the ingame Dota 2 tournament ticket is now available. GosuLeague Division 1 will have eight teams playing in seven playdays, consisting of four best-of-two matches each. That makes 56 high-class Dota 2 games for you. GosuLeague is a monthly league with ascents and descents for all three divisions every new month.

Playdays will be Tuesday/Wednesday and Saturday/Sunday all through the October. GosuLeague Season 4 provides a prize money of $5,000, distributed among the top 3 of the league, with $2,500 going to the first place. Na'Vi, Darer, mousesports and have confirmed their lineup for October so far.

The tournament ticket for GosuLeague will give you DotaTV access to all matches of GosuLeague Division 1 in Season 4 and in upcoming seasons of the following months. The GosuLeague ticket has a one-time cost of $0.99 or €0.79 depending on your currency.

Statement by Mathias 'dopeshow' Schmedeshagen, Project Developer GosuGamers:

"We at GosuGamers understand our role in the global eSports community as a big family of enthusiasts and a place to find all kinds of information on the happenings of the scene. It’s a natural progression to offer the events we host on an indrecible powerful platform as the Steam client and we’re honored being given this opportunity!

This global nature of the GosuGamers family was also the deciding factor when it came to nailing the best fitting price point for the tickets. To make things as easily accessible as possible is not only our highest goal but is also in the community's best interest. And this idea doesn’t stop when it comes to tournament tickets, at least not for our events.

Kudos to Valve for supporting our ideas! Get ready to rock and roll when we kick off GosuLeague Season IV on Tuesday!."

Source: Steam Dota 2 Store
More information: GosuLeague Season 4 Coverage