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General13 years ago

DotAlicious announces Dota 2 League

With the anticipation and expectation for Dota 2 constantly increasing, many establishments – both new and old – are making their move into the scene. Now, the staff behind the widely successful DotAlicious Gaming client are preparing to make their own move into Dota 2.

Similar to the existing DLG Vouch League, players will be invited to the Dota 2 League by a team of designated Vouchers, while any abuses or misconduct by players will be dealt with by a team of of Overseers. The game lobbies will be hosted on the DotAlicious website.

The first season begins this Sunday, November 13thth and will be open to a maximum of 200 players. The season will run for a month with a $300 USD prize pool. In the second season, non-matchmaking Dota 2 games will be introduced for the League, while matchmaking and a new division will be made available for the general public to participate in.

The initial League will be experimental, and will obviously lack several features that will be implemented over time and with the help of player feedback. Over time the League will be updated to include new features to become fully automated and improve the overall experience for users.

Full information about this pioneering Dota 2 league can be found over on the DLG website.

DotAlicious Gaming - Dota 2 League announcement