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LoL4 years ago

Joe Marsh (CEO of T1) apologizes to LS

T1's CEO Joe Marsh has expressed his apology to LS for the pain he had to undergo during the recent series of event regarding his involvement with T1.

He has also confirmed that LS' Grandmother has never received a threatening package like some rumors have been suggesting, and other accusations regarding verbal threats are actively being investigated at the moment.

Below is the excerpt form the official statement on his twitter:

"...Finally, I would like to extend my apologies to “LS” for everything he has had to personally endure these past few weeks. I also want to extend my apologies to LS’ family and friends for their shared pain. I am extremely sorry that T1 fans were being accused of harassing LS’ family and I truly believe that no T1 fan would ever do such a thing. I'd also like to dispel the online community rumor that LS’ Grandma received a threatening package. Together with LS, we have filed a police report to investigate the matter and as the investigation is on-going, there will be no further comment at this time. As I’ve reflected over this time, I realize I failed to publicly defend and protect LS and T1 fans by remaining silent. While my staff and I were working behind the scenes to resolve this matter, I should have spoken publicly sooner. Shortly, LS will personally share his plans. And once again, LS and T1 fans, I’m sorry...."


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