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LoL6 years ago

Essence Reaver was changed as part of the ADC items rework, but only bruisers are building it

As mentioned in the Marksman Changes Essence Reaver was one of the items changed as part of the ADC item changes and was supposed to be monitored on Bruisers/Assassins. As of patch 8.24 Essence reaver is an incredibly opressive item to play against when built on some champions, making it impossible for you to actually beat them.

  • Jax with essence reaver has permanent uptime on his E

  • Renekton with essence reaver can keep you stunned for the majority of the fight

  • Fiora with essence reaver face mashes Q to win

Playing vs any of these is a really unenjoyable experience

Unless you're playing another champion that can utilise essence reaver the only actual counterplay to the item is to run away when the enemy uses their ultimate. It doesn't seem like a well balanced item and I'm surprised it has just blown over Riot's radar for so long.

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