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LoL6 years ago

My Experience Getting Kicked Out of Riot Games Studios

UPDATE: So the OP got deleted because I posted a contracted link (oops). Here's the info in full.

I want to address a few comments from the last thread: There's some that assume I'm mad at Riot, but I want to emphasize my issue isn't with them it's with their security which is a separate company they've hired. As I mentioned below, "I harbor no resentment toward Riot Games." Others have focused on the bit where I have a panic attack and think I was trying to be manipulative or overdramatic, honestly you can think what you want. If that's the only issue you have with my story, there's plenty of other stuff that happened that sucked besides that.

Contacting Riot: I have attempted to contact Riot through social media and tried to call them as well (called today around 3PM and no answer, voicemail said to call during normal business hours). I'll be sending them an email Monday morning to ensure a quicker response. Does anyone the best email address to use? I can only find the media one but I'm not sure if that's the right one for this situation.

tl;dr Today was the worst day ever and I'm banned from ever coming to an LCS game because I accidentally entered a restricted area of Riot Studios even though the door was labeled "Exit."

Today was one of the worst days of my life.

I am one of the biggest Pro League fans you will ever meet to the point where I love watching even more than playing. I have been to two NALCS games before and I watch online religiously every weekend of every split.

Today, I found out I would never be able to do that again.

Why? I was told by Riot Games security I was not permitted on the property because of something that happened the first time I came to Riot Studios to see an LCS Game.

Here's my version of events.

Let's take it back to March of this year. It was my dating anniversary and I was sooo thrilled to finally see a live LCS game. I was trembling with excitement! After one of the games, we exited the seating area on the right side where there was an exit sign. Upon entering, we noticed there weren't other people around but since there was no sign saying it was restricted we figured we were OK. As I said, we hadn't been there before and there was no guard at the door and no sign. After winding through the confusing passageways, we realized we must be close to where the analysts film because we heard their voices behind a door. Upon speaking with a guard, he pointed us in the right direction. We were never asked who we were or if we were authorized to be there. I'm happy to say we did meet the analysts and they were so kind to us. Once again, no one asked us who we were or told us to leave.

Eventually, we found our way back to where we had entered (we couldn't find a way out the way we were headed) and proceeded back into the studio. Soon after, a Riot employee FINALLY asked us who we were and informed us we weren't allowed to enter that area. We were confused but very apologetic. We went back to our seats and continued to watch a few more games. During one of the games (during Draft phase, I believe) my significant other was called aside by a Riot employee who asked him a few questions about what happened when we went through the exit. Then, we watched more games.

Finally, when we were leaving the studio a security officer (who's name I will omit here) spoke to us and asked us to identify the guard who had let us through. At this point, we had already explained our story to two separate people and we were running late for a dinner reservation at Craft (my favorite restaurant), so we were short with him. My SO was nervous about misidentifying the guard (we didn't remember exactly what he looked like) so he asked if there were cameras that could identify who it was. We were then asked to sign a NDA in case we had seen anything (we hadn't, no secrets or anything). As I mentioned, we were already running late for dinner and didn't feel comfortable signing an NDA without reading it thoroughly, so we declined. We were not told that anything negative would happen if we didn't sign the NDA and my SO gave the officer his name and place of work should he want to contact him later on.

Now, this is the part that confuses me. Last month, we went to LCS for the second time and we were perfectly fine. Didn't go through the misleading exit door, no one approached us or bothered us, we were fine and had an amazing time.

Fast Forward to today. My SO's brother came all the way from Dubai to see an LCS game and he was so excited to go. Upon our arrival today, we showed our tickets, received our wrist bands, grabbed a poster and were prepared to make our way inside. We were denied entry by the same security officer who had asked us to sign an NDA the first time we came. He informed us we were not allowed to enter the studio, now or ever again.

We were understandably shocked. We had received no notice from Riot despite the fact that we had come last month and stayed the whole day and they also had our information. When we asked the officer about this he said, "I could have let you know, but you also could have been less rude to me [referencing the first conversation we had with him]." I had no idea that Riot Games security policy was based on the "eye for an eye" principle. He also informed us that the guards who we met in the restricted area were fired, which is confusing to me because I didn't even remember there being multiple guards, once again reinforcing the fact that it's better to rely on what the cameras show then our own memories.

We begged and pleaded with the officer to let us stay and he said the Producer (I believe the person who spoke to us on the day we entered the restricted area) didn't want us to come back, but ultimately it was his decision. When we requested to speak to the Producer or management, we were denied. We asked if this was about signing the NDA and offered to sign one now, he didn't accept this. His primary point was that because my SO was "rude" to him, he wasn't going to let us in, now or ever.

At this point I was completely freaking out. I suffer from anxiety, so I began to shake and cry uncontrollably. When my SO communicated this to one of the security officers, he said to take me to a hospital. What an actual joke, the fact that they showed not even an ounce of sympathy shows how much contempt they harbored toward us. My SO's brother was permitted to stay, but he didn't want to go without us. Essentially, his trip here was a waste. At once point, the officer threatened to cuff my SO while he was trying to speak with them and threatened to call the police (which they eventually did later on). We were told we would have our tickets refunded, but they never asked me what my name was and the tickets were purchased in my name. I had to remind them repeatedly about this specific concern and they refused to take a single note about it. All we were told is that if we didn't get refunded we should contact Riot about a refund...

We eventually left the premises and made a video on Facebook documenting what we had experienced while standing on the sidewalk outside the studio (which the security officers informed us was public property). At certain points during our conversation with the security officers both they, my SO and my SO's brother were recording on their phones. It saddens me that this was necessary and that we couldn't speak reasonably. The police eventually arrived and spoke with us. I explained a shortened version of what I've written here and they told us there wasn't much they could do, but that we should email Riot Games about the situation. I am still not sure why they were called, we weren't on private property and they were really kind to us and confirmed we were allowed to be on the sidewalk area as long as we didn't go back on the studio property.

Here's my side of things, take it or leave it. I am honestly so confused about how this was handled.

  1. Why didn't the guards ask who we were or ask us to leave if the area was restricted? We weren't wearing any jersey or special badge or anything that might communicate we should be there.
  2. Why did we have to repeat our story to three different people? Does riot security notcommunicate with each other?
  3. Why weren't we told that the penalty for not signing the NDA was a ban from attending future LCS games?
  4. (honestly the most pressing question in my mind): Why were we allowed to attend a full day of games last month? I highly doubt security didn't recognize us, in fact one of the security officers (the one who pulled my SO out of the audience the first time we came) said hello to him and they exchanged pleasantries that day.
  5. Why were we not informed about the ban until today AFTER we had come last month and AFTER we had gone through general security, showed our tickets and were about to enter the building? We received no phone call, no email, no verbal contact, nothing. I find this very unprofessional.
  6. Why is Riot Security's protocol based on whether or not someone is perceived as rude? As I mentioned, we brought up the NDA, we brought up the story of what happened, the only thing the Security Coordinator (we finally received the officer's official title) wanted to discuss was how we didn't want to identify the officer or tell him where the breach was. Once again, this was the third time we had told the whole story, we told the Producer and the officer who pulled my SO out of the audience. They also had the whole thing on video. I honestly don't think it would have been right to identify the guard as we weren't sure exactly what he looked like and apparently there was another one who was later fired that we didn't remember at all.

I'm sure Riot Security has their own side of the story and their own recordings, but I want our side to be known also. I am still the biggest LCS fan and I harbor no contempt for Riot Games. I just want some clarity on what happened behind the scenes in this situation and perhaps the chance to attend a live game sometime in the future.

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