Today, we see the continuing success of LeBlanc when looking back at week 5 while also seeing a growing KDA and domination of stats lead by Team Solomid. Feel free to check out our EU Stats for comparison and don't forget to check out our coverage hub for the LCS and visit our VOD section, where you can search through the LCS games by champion, team, and player.
KDA & Farm Awards
Surprise again!!...not really. Bjergsen continues to dominate the region and absolutely floor everyone in Kills. In Week 4, Bjergsen was in the lead with 68, now climbing to 89, which meant 21 kills for the Dane this week. After NintendudeX broke his streak last week, Krepo is back again with the most deaths in the North American LCS.
Meanwhile, WildTurtle may no longer rank first in most farm, but fellow TSM bottom-laner Xpecial has taken the throne from Lemmonation. Bjergsen still holds a fairly substantial kill lead over EU's top kills, xPeke, but Mandatorycloud gets floored in farm by Rekkles who had 380 last week. Mandatorycloud may have farmed nearly perfectly, but couldn't turn it into opportunities for XDG.
Team KDA
Although Dyrus' KDA this week dropped from 12 to 10.6, he actually has the highest KDA between all of these categories. Meteos, Link, and Xpecial have all seen overall drops in KDA during their time playing, but still reign supreme in their respective categories. Wildturtle has narrowly passed up Sneaky this week in KDA.
Comparing this to EU sees higher KDA's for NA across the board, likely due to the larger skill variance. For instance, Link nearly doubles Overpow's KDA from week 5, and the same goes for Meteos versus Jankos or Dyrus vs. Kev1n. The closest is the bottom lane, where Vander surpasses Xpecial and Rekkles only falls 1.3 KDA behind WildTurtle.
Team KDA
KDAs have stayed relatively similar to last week's with Cloud 9's drop below 5 possibly being the most noteworthy. Though the region certainly feels a lot closer than it was last split, Team Solomid and Cloud 9's teamplay shows it is above the rest with their significantly higher assist scores compared to other teams. While TSM's above 6 KDA is certainly impressive, it doesn't compare to SKT T1's above 9 KDA in Masters.
Most Contested & Win Rates
This time, we've decided to add win rates so we can not only see what's popular, but also what's successful graphically. The recent phenomenon of LeBlanc's success has been a mystery on the champion's strength. She's incredibly strong in the right hands, but not just any mid laner can pull her off. Only time will tell if Riot deems her balanced or not.
Oddly, Kayle has been seeing the opposite of success despite her strong burst and ultra-powerful late game. LeBlanc has surpassed Gragas as a contested pick with the usual Kassadin, Annie, Thresh, Vi, and Mundo picks highly regarded.
ROLE | Day 1 | Day 2 |
Top | // // (2) | (3) |
Jungle | (3) | (3) |
Mid | (2) | (2) |
Marksman | (3) | // (3) |
Support | (4) | // (3) |
ROLE | Day 1 | Day 2 |
Top | Balls (281.63) | Balls (282.16) |
Jungle | Crumbzz (136.72) | Nintendude (138.16) |
Mid | Mancloud (310.27) | Mancloud (317.75) |
Marksman | Wildturtle (305.45) | Wildturtle (311.41) |
Support | Xpecial (31.45) | Xpecial (29.75) |
- Xpecial has consistently been the top farmer for a support for 5 weeks in a row now.
- Hecarim is still the only champion played zero times while still receiving two bans.
- Sivir has also surpassed Jinx now in kills.
- Imaqtpie's KDA on Draven and Jinx are more than quintuple that of his other champions he's played.
- Cruzerthebruzer has an abysmal KDA on Trundle, totaling to 0.2 in the game he played it in.
- So far, Canadian players have an avarage of 3.5 KDA while USA has an average of 3.3.
- LeBlanc still pulls less bans than Kassadin and Elise, despite her 100% win rate.
- Contary to the stigma attached to them, CLG has the least farm of any team in NA.
- LCS NA Superweek (Week 1)
- LCS EU Superweek (Week 1)
- LCS NA Week 2
- LCS EU Week 2
- LCS NA Week 3
- LCS EU Week 3
- IEM Sao Paulo
- LCS EU Week 4
- LCS NA Week 4
- GPL Week 1
- LCS EU Week 5
- SKT T1 LoL Masters Week 1
Written and formatted by: Michale "Drexxin" Lalor
Graphs & Data by: Kelsey "Prehistorique" Moser, Garry "Aegyo" Chen
Photo couresty of Riot Games eSports Flickr