Over the past week, we have seen more Leoric play then ever before in both the NA and EU region. Was KR and CN ahead of the curve by playing with aggressive warriors all along??
Korea and China were quick to buy into the Leoric release hype. Their preference for double warrior and aggressive bruisers like Arthas allowed Leoric almost immediate exposure in their competitive scene. The rest of the world has caught on and the secret is out: Leoric is a very strong hero.
There are several factors are work here: above average warrior damage and tankiness, diverse talents, incredible mobility and his strength against top tier heroes. Leoric is extremely effective against Muradin and Johanna (due to Drain Hope dealing damage based off of max HP) and Wraith Walk + Entomb is impossible to avoid pre-20 as Jaina or Kael'Thas. It's almost easy to forget about his Undying trait causing favorable 1-1 hero exchanges, swinging team fights, and in certain situations, threatening to back door the enemies core!
Win percentage statistics will always need a discerning eye to seperate the truth from fiction. No, The Lost Vikings are not suddenly top tier again, they only won 5 times so their 71% win percentage isn't very important. The same goes for the Butcher with 6 wins, and Li Li with 7 wins.
But Leoric with 34 wins in one week? That's pretty huge. Check out some of the matches below where Leoric's power is in full effect.
Tempo Storm vs Cloud 9 Maelstrom - Town Hall Heroes invitational
Fnatic. Hots vs Kappa123 - TopAchat Tournament Playoffs
Team DK vs Team Snake - Storm League 2015 Season 2 - (VoD available here)
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