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General10 years ago

Official Leoric spotlight released today

He hits hard, he's persistent, and has a high degree of mobility- is Leoric the warrior for you?

The official hero spotlight for Leoric was released today, and it looks like the mad king is living up to his potential. The video starts off with a lore lesson for heroes fans that never played the Diablo series (in short, under Diablo's influence he became so paranoid he killed everyone ever close to him) and moves forward into a clear and concise visual description of Leoric's play style.

He's got heavy hitting moves, self sustain, and the unique ability to move around as a wraith when dead, potentially aiding your team from "beyond the grave". Uther sees a lot of success with his party trick, but other heroes like Tyrael don't do much. It has yet to be seen from a competitive standpoint how powerful this trait will be, but some simple theory crafting and speculation leave us with a few likely scenarios:


  1. Leoric fits a role of a mean split pusher and reliable lane bully. His Skeletal swing deals massive AoE damage to minions and his trait allows him to quickly get back into lane, even when ganked. Getting back into lane quickly, means more pushing and more XP soak.
  2. Leoric becomes an objective powerhouse, leading his team to victory on maps that require grindy fights for territory. Dragon Shire, Battlefield of Eternity, and Cursed Hallow all seem like strong maps for the skeletal king.
  3. Leoric becomes a sort of Sonya- a warrior but lacking the hard CC and tankiness required to tank alone. Pairing Leoric with a Muradin or Anub'arak becomes a winning recipe.


Either way, I suspect Leoric will be a Quick Match all-star. What do you think of the new hero?

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