LAST YEAR RESULTS Samsung European Championships 2005 1. ToT)Mondragon( 2. Androide.3d 3. x6tence.ALFA 4. Gosu)Gorky 5. [3wD]Christian 5. Destroyer 7. ToT)Trek( 7. Sol.Shaman 9. ToT)Twisted( 9. Maska 9. KazioWichura 9. Vanilica 13. ToT)BrAiN( 13. BliZzy 13. Rushy |
This year including a StarCraft tournament
Hardly any information has been published about next year's official games, however, sources tell GosuGamers that the StarCraft and WarCraft tournaments of course will be included next year. The event will start March 9th and last until the 15th and will be hosted in CeBit, Hannover. The event is expected to gather 330 gamers from 30 nations.
GosuGamers will update you as soon as an official gamer list is published or additional information.
As last year for this event, GosuGamers will be - that's right - on the spot.
Links - Press release