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General19 years ago

BroodWarMaps ShowMatch


As BroodWarMaps.Net keeps giving us quality maps in their MotW system, a question comes to mind. "Who is playing these maps?" The answer? Mireille and Technics!


They have been very busy over at BroodWarMaps.Net, and they recently featured a ShowMatch on their very own maps. Mireille came out victorious this time, and is hoping that Draco will be the next challenger for the coveted spot of what I like to call the "Improv Champion."

Afterwards, Germany Panschk interviewed Norway Mireille (pic):

  • 72b67cf1a0a089128700149b72dee9bf3f6a67ba7cda227f1638eba40fPanschk Congratulations to your win vs technics. How much did you practise the maps before?
    Mireille:I didnt really practise them, I just played a couple of games at everymap and considered some strategys and buildorders on the maps. However I only played 3 of the 4 maps more then once.
    Panschk Which was your favorite game of the series? I liked game 6 (wraith game) most.
    Mireille Yes that was a cool game, but the worst map. First game on Origio Hills I got so badly raped cause i didnt know the map and all the entrys to the expos. However I dicided to play with wraiths in the second game on Origio Hills and it went out pretty smooth.
    Panschk What was you impression of technics? I felt like he was stronger in the macro part of the game than micro, while I thought your micro was your biggest strength. Was the result "fair" for both players?
    Mireille Hm yes, considering the maps the results where pretty fair. Technics was better then i thought and played very solid. I felt confused in all 8 games and wasnt sure about strategys nore the maps. Technics biggest strength was the maps, he played them allot better then I did and knew exactly what was going on in the game, wich is sad that i couldnt make use of like him. On the other hand I won my games rather easy by just reading hes moves. Some average micro and macro was enough to give me the win.
    Panschk Do you think playing "user maps" could become more popular in the months and years to come? In my opinion the situation has already improved a lot in the past two years, remember how it was almost lost temple only back then?
    Mireille Ofcorse! When I heard about this showgame with new maps I got very excited. It was really fun to try new maps and be the first one to archive the best strategys of the maps. It's not as easy as it looks. In normal showgames you just watch some replays with some good players of the map. This time I had to decide 100% by myself what to do.
    The gosugamers MOTW tourney is cool and a perfect way to gain new experience of different maps. Thanks to this and events like Blizzcon or PGT ladder people starting to play different maps then LT.
    Panschk yeah, PGT did a very good job too, props to them:)
    Panschk Would you play another showmatch like this some day, and if yes, do you already have some wish for opponent?
    Mireille Yes I really want to play it again, and maybe a protoss opponent this time on a higher level. I would say Draco. Hes a good protoss and it could be really cool games! :)
    Panschk Thanks for the interview.Any greetings or comments?
    Mireille shoutout to Draco, hope you accept my invitation to the challange :)!

The full article is available » here. This includes detailed coverage and battle reports of each game. BWMN, well done with your ShowMatch and Mireille, congratulations on your victory!