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Overwatch 2 is teasing the debut of a new-but-old hero: Emre Sarioglu.

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Entertainment2 days ago

Overwatch 2 drops lore trailer for Freja, seemingly teases all-new hero

Overwatch 2 is teasing the debut of a new-but-old hero: Emre Sarioglu. 

Blizzard Entertainment has released a hero trailer for its next playable character Freja, and it has some very interesting lore implications indeed. Freja will formally debut in Season 16 of Overwatch 2, but she’ll also be playable during a trial weekend running from 21 to 24 March. She’s said to be one of the more complicated heroes to master in the shooter’s roster, so you might want to get some practice in early. 

Here’s the hero trailer:

Overwatch 2 releases hero trailer for Freja, teases new character

Blizzard Entertainment has released a new animated short themed around the introduction of Freja, an upcoming playable character in Overwatch 2. Freja is a highly-skilled bounty hunter who used to be a part of Overwatch’s search and rescue team. These days, her trapper-like abilities are free for hire, even for shady characters like Maximilien. 

Maximilien is a wealthy omnic who first appeared in Overwatch’s Storm Rising Archives event. At the time, he was used merely as a source of information for the Overwatch team to locate Doomfist. In this trailer, he’s depicted with much more confidence and power, arranging a meet with Freja by having her capture several criminals for him. 

When Freja delivers her bounties to Maximilien, however, the omnic turns on her and orders her death. Freja easily dispatches Maximilien’s forces, after which the omnic reveals that he was testing her abilities. His real goal was to have her hunt down a much more dangerous game; a mysterious person whom we only get a glimpse of via a bounty screen handed to Freja. 

Freja’s interests are immediately piqued upon recognising her bounty, and she vows to capture him. We’re not given a name for her new target, but an image of his face betrays his identity completely: this is Emre Sarioglu, an Overwatch operative who first appeared in an Origin Story trailer for Ana released in 2016.  

Emre has been mentioned in various lore drops for Overwatch in the years since, the most recent of which was a voice line from Sojourn when playing in the map Havana: “Emre always said he'd retire here. Wonder where he ended up.” No one seems to know what’s happened to the former Overwatch operative, but chances are that we’ll soon find out. 

Overwatch 2 Season 16 launches on 22 April, 2025. 

Timothy "Timaugustin" AugustinTim loves movies, TV shows and videogames almost too much. Almost!