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Overwatch 2 has unveiled its next hero Hazard, a punky Scottish Tank


4 months ago

Overwatch 2 unveils new Scottish Tank hero Hazard, playable this weekend

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 has unveiled its next hero Hazard, a punky Scottish Tank. 

Blizzard Entertainment has revealed Overwatch 2’s latest hero Hazard, a Scottish Tank who belongs to a faction of punks called the Phreaks. The new hero will be playable during a limited-time event held this weekend, from November 22 to 25.

The hero was revealed via a new hero trailer called Hazardous Tactics, which you can watch below:

Overwatch 2’s next hero is a Scottish tank named Hazard

Blizzard Entertainment is finally showing off Overwatch 2’s next hero, bringing the game’s playable roster count up to 42. Incidentally, this will also double the amount of heroes Overwatch had at launch, going up from 21. The game’s new hero Hazard will be Overwatch 2’s 13th Tank, and the latest addition to the Tank role since Mauga in 2023. 

Hazard belongs to a new in-game faction that’s been teased over the last few months with in-game graffiti and lore text, referred to as the Phreaks. Originally, fans had speculated that the new hero himself was named Phreak, seeing as old pre-launch Overwatch concept art had shown off a seemingly cancelled hero of the same name. The in-development hero had punk-like aesthetics, which appear to have carried over in part to Hazard’s current form. 

Hazard is a muscular Scottish Tank who seems to be leading at least one segment of the Phreaks, a gang that has infiltrated Oasis (an in-game map) to steal a portion of an unstable element being studied at a lab. In doing so however, the crew runs into some trouble, with security forces quickly showing up to put them away. 

Fortunately, Hazard has the brilliant idea of injecting this mystery element into his body, which causes him to transform radically. Purple stalagmite-looking growths burst from his back while a blade-like structure grows from his left arm, allowing him to use it as a melee weapon. He also seems to be able to infuse the mystery element into his gun, allowing him to fire the purple stuff as projectiles. 

We don’t know much about Hazard’s ability kit just yet, but it looks like it’s going to revolve around manipulating this mystery element. Hazard will launch as part of Overwatch 2 Season 14, which launches this December. Players can try out the hero early this weekend, before Blizzard starts finetuning his abilities ahead of launch. 

Timothy "Timaugustin" AugustinTim loves movies, TV shows and videogames almost too much. Almost!