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3 years ago

Valve's Portal collection is now playable on the Nintendo Switch

Image: Valve

You can now play these classics on the go. 

A recent Nintendo Direct announced that Valve’s Portal: Companion Collection is launching this week on the Nintendo Switch. The collection consists of Portal and Portal 2, two first-person puzzle-platforming games that launched in 2007 and 2011. You can grab the collection now via the Switch eShop, but there won’t be a physical release for now.

Check out the announcement trailer:

In case you’re wondering: yes, you should absolutely play these games. Portal and Portal 2 are arguably two of the best games ever made, melding first-person shooter gameplay with creative puzzles and a surprisingly deep story involving one of the most simultaneously hilarious and sinister villains gaming has to offer. If nothing else, you have to play Portal 2 to experience Cave Johnson’s lemon rant. 

According to Nintendo, both Portal and Portal 2 have been optimised for the Nintendo Switch, with full resolution and gameplay targeting 60fps. Portal 2 also includes ‘fun DLC’, which will be announced in more detail later, plus online, local and split-screen multiplayer. It’s worth noting that Portal 2’s multiplayer component isn’t just a fun PvP mode, but an entirely separate story campaign that you can and should play with a friend. 

Valve has been showing its old franchises some love recently, with the release of this collection and a new update to Team Fortress 2. The recent Nintendo Direct also announced the release of several more ports for the Switch, including Persona 3, 4 and 5 and the entire Megaman Battle Network collection. 

Timothy "Timaugustin" AugustinTim loves movies, TV shows and videogames almost too much. Almost!