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Post TI roster shuffle
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Post TI13 shuffle log; Confirmed roster changes for the upcoming Dota 2 season

With the end of The International 2024, the traditional post-TI shuffle period has begun.

The International 2024  has come to an end with an absolutely dominating run by Team Liquid to claim the Aegis of Champions after a 3:0 sweep through Gaimin Gladiators. Team Liquid went through the entire upper bracket without dropping a single game and even triumphed over their demons, to finally defeat GG in a grand finals after five previous failed attempts at Major events. 

But there is no rest for the wicked. Teams and players are starting to look at their options before the new Dota 2 season is expected to begin. With PGL Wallachia Season 2 scheduled for two weeks after The International, it will likely become a proving ground for new and adjusted rosters. 

Here you can find all the confirmed changes for the upcoming season and ignore the trolls, rumors, and anxiety – updated Live!

Post TI13 shuffle log

October 4  Gaimin Gladiators 

After moving dyrachyo to inactive, the organization announces Alimzhan “Watson” Islambekov as his replacement. 

Gaimin Gladiators current roster:

Alimzhan “Watson” Islambekov
Quinn “Quinn” Callahan
Marcus “Ace” Hoelgaard
Erik “tOfu” Engel
Melchior “Seleri” Hillenkamp

October 4  Gaimin Gladiators 

Gaimin Gladiators announced that they have moved carry player Anton “dyrachyo” Shkredov to their inactive roster to facilitate his move to a new team – to be announced at a later time. The replacement for dyrachyo will also be confirmed in the near future. 

Gaimin Gladiators current roster:

Quinn “Quinn” Callahan
Marcus “Ace” Hoelgaard
Erik “tOfu” Engel
Melchior “Seleri” Hillenkamp

October 4 Tundra Esports

Continuing with their roster overhaul, Tundra officially bids farewell to Edgar "9Class" Naltakian. The young player has been transferred to a new team, details to come at a later date. 

Tundra Esports current roster

Egor “Nightfall” Grigorenko
Neta “33” Shapira 
Artem “Lorenof” Melnick (on loan/trial basis )
Martin “Saksa” Sazdov

October 1 Tundra Esports

After the return of 33 and addition of lorenof, Tundra welcomes Egor "Nightfall/Saika" Grigorenko to the carry position. 

Tundra Esports current roster

Egor “Nightfall” Grigorenko
Neta “33” Shapira 
Artem “Lorenof” Melnick (on loan/trial basis )
Martin “Saksa” Sazdov

September 30 Tundra Esports

Neta “33” Shapira returned to Tundra where he was given permission for full control over the roster to build it from the ground up. As part of such, he brought Artem "lorenof" Melnick on a trial basis to the team. lorenof is on loan from Aurora. 

Tundra Esports current roster

Neta “33” Shapira 
Artem “Lorenof” Melnick (on loan/trial basis )

September 26 Alliance Roster

The Swedish organization has picked up Dandelions a Western European team that has been competing in regional qualifiers and Tier 2 and 3 events. 

The team has an invite to the PGL Wallachia Season 2 which is set to begin next week on October 4th. Kharis "SkyLark" Zafeiriou will stand in during the event. Jonathan 'Loda' Berg will be the coach. 

Alliance Roster

Nikita “Palantimos” Grinkevich
Ivan “Kidaro” Bondarev

September 26 Team Spirit

Following Raddan/Yatoro and Mira's request for a break from professional Dota 2, Team Spirit confirmed their new roster, featuring two players from the former Yellow Submarine roster. Taking over from Mira will be rue, while the 16-year-old sensation, Satanic, will be looking to carry Spirit beyond their dismal performance at The International 2024. Alongside this, Collapse also announced a short break until January 2025, with Malik coming on board to fill in for the offlaner.

The full Team Spirit roster is now:

Alan "Satanic" Gallyamov
Denis “Larl” Sigitov
Abdimalik “Malik`” Sailau
Alexandr "rue" Filin
Yaroslav “Miposhka” Naidenov

September 24 Tundra Esports

Topias "Topson" Taavitsainen announced his retirement from Dota 2. This is just a few days after Roman "RAMZES666" Kushnarev revealing that he would not stay with Tundra for the upcoming season despite taking an impressive 3rd place finish. Ramzes was on loan from L1ga but it is unclear if he will return to his organization or venture somewhere else. On September 21 it was announced that Ivan "Pure" Moskalenk's loan from BetBoom Team has also ended and the player returned to the EEU representative. 

This leaves Tundra with two players. 

Tundra Esports current roster

Naltakyan “9Class” Edgar 
Matthew “Whitemon” Filemon 
coach: David “MoonMeander” Tan

September 23  Natus Vincere 

Clement 'Puppey' Ivanov will be heading back to his Dota 2 roots to compete with Natus Vincere at the start of this new season as a stand-in. He is also joined by Miroslav "BOOM" Bičan as the two will replace Dmitry "nefrit" Tarasich and Arman "Malady" Orazbayev. 

Natus Vincere roster

Artem “Yuragi” Golubiev
Sukhbat “Sanctity-” Otgondavaa
Miroslav “BOOM” Bičan (Stand-in)
Bakyt “Zayac” Emilzhanov
Clement “Puppey” Ivanov (Stand-in)
Coach: Vitaliy “Sword_Art” Petkin

September 23 Shopify Rebellion

The organization revealed its new Dota 2 roster will feature three new additions in Peruvian carry player Enzo “Timado” Gianoli, Ukrainian offlaner Mark “mangekyou” Kharlamov, and Belarusian position 4 support player Kirill “Hellscream” Lagutik.

Enzo “Timado” Gianoli
Erin Jasper “Yopaj” Ferrer
Kirill “Hellscream” Lagutik (trial)
Rolen Andre Gabriel “Skem” Ong

September 22 OG

Soon after they thanked Enzo "Timado" Gianoli and Bozhidar “bzm” Bogdanov for their time, OG welcomed onboard Nuengnara "23" Teeramahanon and Leon "Nine" Kirilin. 

OG roster

Nuengnara “23savage” Teeramahanon
Leon “Nine” Kirilin
Adrian “Wisper” Cespedes Dobles
Matthew “Ari” Walker
Sébastien “Ceb” Debs

September 22 Aurora

Aurora are ready for the new season with a new SEA/EEU line-up featuring Abed in the mid lane and TA2000 in the carry position.

Aurora roster

Aybek “TA2000” Tokayev
Abed Azel “Abed” Yusop
Anucha “Jabz” Jirawong
Worawit “Q” Mekchai
Oleh “Kaori” Medvedok

September 21 BetBoom Team

Coming home with a top 8 finish at The International 2024 (TI 2024), BetBoom Team’s mid lane player Danil "gpk" Skutin and position 5 support, Alexander "TORONTOTOKYO" Khertek decided to take an extended break while Egor "Nightfall/Saika" Grigorenko is put on a transfer list for the new season. 

BetBoom Team current roster

 Matvey “MieRo” Vasyunin 
Vitalie “Save-” Melnic

September 21 Tundra Esports

On loan for part of the year, Roman "RAMZES666" Kushnarev will not stay with Tundra for the upcoming season despite taking an impressive 3rd place finish. Ramzes was on loan from L1ga but it is unclear if he will return to his organization or venture somewhere else. On September 21 it was announced that Ivan "Pure" Moskalenk's loan from BetBoom Team has also ended and the player returned to the EEU representative. 

Tundra Esports current roster

Topias Miikka “Topson” Taavitsainen 
Naltakyan “9Class” Edgar 
Matthew “Whitemon” Filemon 
coach: David “MoonMeander” Tan

September 21 OG

OG and Enzo "Timado" Gianoli part ways after an underwhelming season that eventually cost them a ticket to TI13.

OG current roster

Bozhidar “bzm” Bogdanov
Adrian “Wisper” Cespedes Dobles
Matthew “Ari” Walker
Sébastien “Ceb” Debs

September 20 Heroic

Hector Antonio “K1” Rodriguez has announced that after seven years of playing, he will be taking a break from competitive Dota 2. 

Heroic current roster

João “4nalog” Giannini 
Cedric “Davai Lama” Deckmyn 
Elvis “Scofield” De la Cruz Peña 
Matheus Santos Jungles “KJ” Diniz
coach: kaffs

September 20 Aurora

After bidding farewell to Nuengnara "23savage" Teeramahanon and Chan "Oli" Chon Kien yesterday, the organization moved Artem "lorenof" Melnick to inactive status. 

Aurora current roster
Anucha “Jabz” Jirawong
Worawit “Q” Mekchai

September 19 Aurora

Returning from The International 2024 with an honourable top 8 finish, Aurora will enter the new season with a refreshed safe lane dio as they bid farewell to Nuengnara "23savage" Teeramahanon and Chan "Oli" Chon Kien.

Aurora current roster

Artem “Lorenof” Melnick
Anucha “Jabz” Jirawong
Worawit “Q” Mekchai

September 19 Talon Esports

Talon and their position 5 support player, Pang "ponyo" Sze Xuan have mutually agreed to part ways.Carlo "Kuku" Palad will be standing in for Talon at the start of the new season.

Talon Esports roster

 Eljohn “Akashi” Andales
Rafli Fathur “Mikoto” Rahman
Chung “Ws`” Wei Shen
Tri “Jhocam” Kuncoro
Carlo “KuKu” Palad (stand-in)

September 18 Team Spirit
The two-time TI champions of Team Spirit Illya "Yatoro" Mulyarchuk and Myroslav "Mira" Kolpakov became inactive as they announced a break from their professional careers.

Team Spirit current roster

Denis “Larl” Sigitov
Magomed “Collapse” Khalilov
Yaroslav “Miposhka” Naidenov

September 18 Azure Ray

After coming out of retirement at the start of 2024 to join Azure Ray, the organization parts ways with Zhang "Faith_bian/Bach" Ruida. He will be replaced with Li "niu" Kongbo. 

Azure Ray roster

Zhen “lou” Lou
Kongbo “Niu” Li
Hao “plAnet” Lin
Yajun “皮球” Yu

September 18 BOOM Esports

BOOM Esports continued with their string of announcements for the lineup. Mc "Mac" Villanueva who last played for Geek Fam and  Daniel "Ghost" Chan from Malaysia will join on a trial basis. The Indonesian-based organization decided to return to their roots after a year abroad in South America. The first member to be announced on the new team was Fbz followed by Timothy John "TIMS" Randrup – both who played together and on the team for The International 2022 with a 9-12th place finish. 

BOOM Esports roster

 Daniel Chan “Ghost” Kok Hong (trial) 
Mc Nicholson “Mac” Villanueva (trial) 
Saieful “Fbz” Ilham 
Timothy “TIMS” Randrup 
Djardel “DJ” Mampusti 
coach: Yee fung “Mushi” Chai

September 18 Team Zero

Singaporean player Remus "ponlo" Goh has parted ways with Team Zero. The Chinese team landed at The International after overtaking the regional qualifiers and taking the first slot. They then delivered the big surprise in the group stage by taking a clean 2:0 over BetBoom Team and scoring a draw result with Team Falcons. Ultimately in the end they took a 13-16th place finish. 

Team Zero current roster

Shaohan “Erika” Yang
Heming “7e” Huang

September 17 BOOM Esports

The Indonesian-based organization decided to return to their roots after a year abroad in South America. The first member to be announced on the new team was Fbz followed by Timothy John "TIMS" Randrup – both who played together and on the team for The International 2022 with a 9-12th place finish. 

BOOM Esports roster

Saieful “Fbz” Ilham
Timothy “TIMS” Randrup

September 17 Nigma Galaxy

Nigma announced that the organization has parted ways with Saieful "Fbz" Ilham. The Indonesian player joined the team in January after a brief stint in Europe with Team Secret. Nigma struggled through the entire season, taking 7-8th place in the regional qualifiers for TI and most recently third place at Clavision: Snow Ruyi. 

Nigma Galaxy current roster

Amer “Miracle-” Al-Barkawi
Syed Sumail “SumaiL” Hassan
Maroun “GH” Merhej
Kuro “KuroKy” Salehi Takhasomi

September 13 Bleed Esports

Souliya "JaCkky" Khoomphetsavong posted on his facebook account that he was looking for a new team. Bleed Esports had a very uneventful season, ending it with a 5-6th place in the TI2024 regional qualifiers as well as Elite League qualifiers immediately after. A 5-6th place finish was par for the course this year in the majority of qualifiers. They swapped players out multiple times with no better results. 


Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2