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Dota 2 BetBoom Bali Major

Dota 2

2 years ago

Reso[lution] for BetBoom couldn't keep them in Bali Major

After a tumultuous morning of being relegated to the lower brackets and then forced to play with a stand-in, BetBoom was then knocked out of Bali Major.  

Things couldn't have gone more wrong for the EEU team, BetBoom. The tournament organizers made the decision to move the team to the lower brackets after being reported for breaking the rules. 

Their new opponents, Azure Ray, demanded that Ivan "Pure" Moskalenko be replaced —threatening to forfeit their series and report the violation to Valve. 

BetBoom was then forced to find a replacement —and quick. 

*Resolution enters stage right.*

Not the first time in his history, Roman "Resolut1on" Fomynok has been a panelist-turned-competitor at Valve events. This time there was a lot riding on his shoulders. Not only was BetBoom's tournament life on the line but potentially their TI invite as well. 

BetBoom TeamvsAzure Ray

In the first game, Azure Ray went for OD, which ended up being fantastic for them as the top damage dealer. Things started to spiral out of control for BetBoom pretty early and the Naga Siren ended up being too difficult for BetBoom to hold back, giving AR the first-game victory. 

In the second game, BetBoom drafted for dominant lanes, looking to gain an early advantage. They were able to take first blood and then the following three kills after. Things continued to go as planned for them and they began their beatdown of Azure Ray, getting kill after kill and surging forward. BetBoom was able to claim the victory and force the deciding third game of the series. 

In the third match, BetBoom went a bit greedy with their lineup. Azure Ray started out with a little bit of the lead but then started to get caught off guard and got very painful, very quickly for them. About 25 minutes in, with a near-team wipe and a good buyback from Fy things started to turn around for Azure Ray. Things became far too hard for BetBoom to set up the way they wanted to or get enough of a footing to be able to clinch the win.

Azure Ray will continue to advance through the lower brackets. Their next series will be against PSG.LGD tomorrow, July 7th at 04:00 CEST. 

BetBoom walks away in 9-12th place with no prize money and potentially no TI invite. 

The next, and last series of the day will take place between another EEU and Chinese team. 

Team Astervs9Pandas at 16:00 CEST

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2