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Broodmother Dota 2
Dota 24 years ago

Broodmother; A mother's love

On this Mother's day, we take a glimpse into Broodmother's tale of motherly love and revenge. 

Motherhood is no easy task.

For those in the wild, and especially the Dota 2 world, it can be even tougher. It means creating a safe home base, locating food, protecting their charges from predators, and teaching the young to become self-sufficient at all costs. 

Broodmother spent centuries in the dark lava tubes beneath the smoldering caldera of Mount Pyrotheos raising millions of spiderlings. 

All was well for millennia, until the Vizier of Greed, Ptholopthales, built his temple at her doorstep, knowing that any looters would need to survive her spider-haunted passages. And that is when catastrophe struck Broodmother's nursery. 

When one of her newborns was trodden underfoot by a clumsy adventurer, she reached the end of her silken rope. Broodmother headed for the surface, declaring her intent to rid the world of each and every possible invader, down to the last Hero if necessary, until she could ensure her nursery might once more be a safe and wholesome environment for her precious spiderspawn.

Committed to her cause the Black Arachnia continues to raise her young, even amidst the field of combat. The brood quickly learns how to support their mother. 

None can fault her rage and mission. She is just a dedicated mother looking to create safety and security for her brood of children and future generations.

Just as any loving mother would do right?

So next time you encounter Broodmother in game, just remember her mother's love and maybe cut her some slack — she's just doing her best for her children. 

image courtesy of helloATK

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2