Following the world-wide premiere of DOTA: Dragon’s Blood animated series based on the Dota 2 universe, Valve’s collaboration with Netflix continues with the addition of the Free to Play documentary on the streaming service.
Unlike the animated series aired last month on Netflix, Free to Play is a Valve only production. The movie was released in March 2014 and, although available through a subscription based streaming service later this month, it still is available to watch for free on the official Valve YouTube channel and on Steam.
Free to Play focuses on the professional and personal lives of three of the most prolific Dota 2 players that competed at the very first The International tournament, back in 2011.
Benedict "hyhy" Lim, captain of Singaporean team Scythe Gaming, Clinton "Fear" Loomis, at that time the carry player for OK.Nirvana.Int and Danil "Dendi" Ishutin, mid lane player for Natus Vincere, who claimed the $1,000,000 prize and the Aegis of Champions at TI1 are followed thoroughly in the documentary. The movie presents both their journey to the most lucrative esports tournament at that time, as well as how embracing a professional career in the early days of esports has changed their lives.