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Dota 25 years ago

The International 10 prize pool $31 million

The International 10 prize pool is already $31 million and counting, edging in closer to last year's historical $34+ million. 

$31 million strong. And there are no signs that the crowdfunding for the TI 10 prize pool is slowing down.  There is no telling where the final amount will land considering it is unclear if Valve will continue to allow the prize pool to build up until TI10 takes place (undefined date still at this moment) or will cut it off at the time that TI10 was originally supposed to take place (which would have been starting next week). Allowing it to build over the next several months will surely mean it will reach new heights, but it could also set the bar much too high for any International events following. 

With the prize pool starting at $1,600,000 crowdfunding has the potential to surpass all previous expectations, bringing the total reward to a whopping $31,031,910 ($29,431,910 added). 

Only 25% of the sales contribute to the prize pool meaning that $117,727,640 has already been spent in purchases by fans across the globe.

Last year, The International prize pool reached $34,330,068 ($32,730,068 added).

The TI10 prize pool tracker provides real-time hourly and daily comparison graphs. This year’s prize had a spike in sales, and then gradually grew at a faster pace than last year’s fund.

The International 10

Last summer during The International 9, Valve announced that their 10th-anniversary iteration of the pinnacle of all Dota 2 events would be held in Stockholm, Sweden. European fans rejoiced as it would be the first International held on European soil since The International 1 was held in Germany. 

But the best-laid plans of mice and men —including esports and Valve — often go awry. 

After extensive consideration of the global health emergency stemming from COVID-19, we have made the difficult choice to delay The International. We have been exploring various date possibilities, but it is likely that the event will need to happen in 2021. Given the highly volatile landscape for local gathering restrictions, virus trajectory, and global travel policies, we don’t expect to have enough confidence to communicate firm dates in the near future. 

There have been no further updates on place or dates for The International 10. 

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2