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Dota 25 years ago

TobiWan falls from grace following allegations of sexual harassment and abuse

Following accusations of sexual harassment and abuse by Toby “TobiWan” Dawson, talent agency CodeRed, BTS studios and valve have all stepped away from him. 

Just days apart,a second prominent member of the talent in Dota 2 has been accused of sexual harassment and abuse. On the heels of Grant “GranDGranT” Harris's public removal from the scene, Toby “TobiWan” Dawson found himself front and center of the movement to hold figures accountable for inappropriate and unacceptable behaviors. 

After a series of tweets and twitlongers (many since removed) that essentially removed himself from any accountability and then later downplayed involvement by TobiWan, victims finally came forward to disclose their experiences -- and it was brutal. 


It didn't take long for his talent agency Code Red Esports and Beyond The Summit to make statements distancing themselves from the veteran shout caster. 

It took even less time than expected for a move from Valve. The software development company that has hired TobiWan multiple times to represent Dota 2 at The International and other events quickly removed his voice lines in the game client. 

The movement for holding others accountable for their actions and conduct continues to grow strong as more and more victims and advocates come forward. For further reading on Dota 2's open secrets including ways to be proactive and supportive can be found HERE in our last Op-Ed. 

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2