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Dota 25 years ago

Global Dota 2 League incoming

Epulze has announced its Global Dota 2 League, taking place for seven regions across the world. 

With an influx of players being stuck at home and the lack of LAN events happening in esports overall, Epulze has stepped in to fill the gap and add some competitive spirit. 

The Global Dota 2 League will feature a $24,000 prize pool divided up among the seven regions: Europe, CIS-Region, South-East Asia, North America, South America, Middle East & Africa, Australia.

League Info

  • Each regional league has 3 stage
  • Qualifiers, Group stage, Play-offs
  • Qualifiers are played on the 2nd and 3rd of May
  • League will begin on the 7th and finished on the 28th
  • Playoffs will be from the 29th-31st of May
  • ​The Groupstage is played as a round-robin
    • Up to 7 bo2 matches
    • Every team plays each other once
  • ​The play-offs for Division 1 is played as a Double-elimination for the top 4 teams
    • For every other Division, the format depends on the amount of participating teams and the number of groups.
      • This will be announced once the league has started.

Qualifiers info

  • 4/5 players must be from the region specified.
  • All qualifiers are played as single elimination
  • Top 4 teams qualify for Division 1
  • Remaining teams qualify for Divison 2 unless they place top 4 in the other qualifier.
  • If all players in your team are ranked ancient or lower you are also allowed to drop down to Division 3.
  • Ancient and lower teams are also allowed to sign up directly to Division 3 and completely skip the qualifier.
  • Teams are able to compete on a higher level but not a lower level.

​*A slight difference in the second South American qualifier where only 3 teams will qualify for Division 1. Meaning that both teams losing the semifinal will play each other for the final spot.

Divisions Info

Every region has the same structure.

Division 1:

  • Single group with 8 teams
  • Round-robin bo2
  • Top 4 teams proceeds to the play-offs
  • All matches will be broadcasted
  • Each game will be manually scheduled by the regional admin
  • Each team will need one representative to join the official discord channel for easier communication

Division 2:

  • Maximum of 8 teams/group
  • Round-robin bo2
  • The play-off format depends on the amount of participating teams
  • All matches will be scheduled over the Epulze platform

Division 3:

  • Restricted for Ancient and lower-ranked players ONLY
  • No smurf accounts allowed
  • No Stand-ins with a higher rank than Ancient allowed
  • Maximum of 8 teams/group
  • Round-robin bo2
  • Play-off format depends on the amount of participating teams

​Sign up for all regions HERE


Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2