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Dota 26 years ago

The Chongqing Major will be second Major of the year

The Chongqing Major will bring the Majors to China at the end of January 2019. 

StarLadder and ImbaTV will be hosting the second Major of the DPC 2018-2019 season in Chongqing, China. The Chongqing Major will be held from the 19th to the 27th of January 2019 with sixteen of the world's best teams competing for the largest slice of the $1,000,000 and 15,000 DPC points. 

Known around China as the Mountain City, Chongqing is a bustling metropolis renowned for its spicy cuisine, stunning landscapes and cultural heritage. One of the biggest cities in China, Chongqing is the dream location for a Major, and we can’t wait to share more details with you in the coming month.

As with all of the DPC events this year, all teams will need to qualify for their place in the main event. All qualifiers for the Chongqing Major will be held from the 25th to the 30th of November across the six designated regions: North America, South America, Europe, CIS, China and Southeast Asia. At this time two teams from each region will qualify, with Valve deciding on the which regions will get an additional slot. 

Specific dates for open and closed qualifiers per region will be forthcoming in the week, as well as teams that will be invited to the closed qualifiers and the format. 

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2