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Dota 210 years ago

Summit 3: Secret's relentless attacks too much for iG

Invictus Gaming will not taste sweet revenge today as Team Secret played two impressive games to obliterate iG in game one and mount a huge comeback in game two.

The win will set Secret in the winner bracket final of Group B as they wait to take on the winner of LGD versus Not Today. 

Day 2 schedule:
18:30-21:00: Secret vs iG
21:00-23:30: LGD vs Not Today
00:00-02:30: Winner of first series vs winner of second series

Game 1

Game one between iG and Secret started out quiet and the peaceful times benefited Secret tremendously as their supports (Chen and Rubick) were able to take stacks and gained quick levels before the fight began. The extremely farmed supports meant that they would have more impact in the mid game.

The first skirmish of the game went heavily in favour of Secret as iG lost four of their heroes overcommitting to destroying the top tier one. To make things worse, Secret destroyed iG's top tier one and killed Puck on top of that. By 10 minutes, the score was 10-2 after Secret came out victorious in another battle on the middle lane.

Knowing that they are down, iG tried to perform a few smoke ganks to regain their momentum but that only meant space created for Secret. Secret started dictating the flow of the game and continuously pushed the lanes and forcing iG to defend. iG found their golden opportunity with a jump on Chen and Witch Doctor courtesy of an invisibility rune on Puck but it was to no avail, iG only had enough firepower to burst the Witch Doctor.

Secret moved into the Roshan pit with a double damage rune and took it down so quickly, iG had no time to gather and contest for it, Witch Doctor and Phoenix died as a subsequent to Storm's aggressive jump. With the Aegis in hand, Secret pushed the bottom lane. While iG did mount a fierce defense, the lead was too big and they lost their barracks. iG called the "gg" when Secret won another battle in front of their base.


Game 2

Secret won this game through sheer determination and their relentless pursuit to end the game as soon as possible. After failing to gain a heavy advantage in the laning phase, Team Secret continuously grouped up as five and pushed the middle lane while they kept Broodmother on the bay.

After BurNing picked up the 11 minutes Blink Dagger on Axe,  iG had a superior team fighting line up and helped iG gain a huge lead over Secret. However, the kills was not transitioned into a push in most cases. Secret made a couple of daring decision to smoke into the Roshan and stealing iG's ancient stack on broad daylight despite suffering a huge deficit. The game went back and forth for a while but it was Secret who struck first, taking down iG's tier three tower and barracks off a game winning fight in the Rosh pit. Four heroes from iG died in the fight due to positioning error causing two of their supports to melt before they were able to do anything.

Secret subsequently mounted up an attack on the bottom lane and obliterated the barracks. As Secret was making their move onto the tier four towers, iG defended the best they can but a few clutch Shallow Graves from the Shadow Priest were able to keep the Drow Ranger and the Legion Commander alive to deal significant damage to iG's cores. iG tapped out as their Queen of Pain died for the second time.