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Dota 210 years ago

Luo confirms: BurNing set to iG

On his stream, Luo 'Luo' Yinqi has confirmed that Xu 'BurNIng' Zhi Lei is set to IG. Official statements have yet to be made but it appears as if yet another Chinese team is solidifying its roster.

The rumor is looking more and more possible as another stakeholder in this situation has confirmed the rumor regarding Xu 'BurNIng' Zhi Lei and Invictus Gaming. So far, both Luo 'Luo' Yinqi and BurNIng have confirmed, on their respective streams, that the alleged change is going to happen.

Expanding on this, Luo has also said that other than BurNIng replacing Li 'CHisbug' Chen, no other alterations to the roster willl be made due to a lack of funding to buy new players and that BurNIng was free. As for CHisbug's future, Luo did not make any mention of it.

Rumor IG lineup:
China Xu 'BurNIng' Zhi Lei
China June
China Luo 'Luo' Yinqi
China Luo 'Ferrari_430' Fei Chi
China Wong 'ChuaN' Hock Chuan


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