The last two games of the RGN's league season turned out to be very critical, as Orange overtook First Departure in the standings to get the seed straight into the semifinals.
The last two matches, MiTH.Trust versus Orange eSports and First Departure against Titan, played a big role on how the final standings were rolled out. These teams, coincidentally the top four on the standings, are trying to finish strong to improve their chances on the playoffs. The top two teams after the season play will be seeded straight into semifinals, while the four other advancing teams will have to compete on the quarterfinals.
Both lower seeded teams coming into the match actually won their game: the third seed Orange eSports handing first ranked MiTH.Trust just their third loss, and fourth placer Titan defeating rank two First Departure. On a surprising twist that could have only happened under these results, Orange suddenly found themselves on top of the Singaporean team on the ranking as they have the superior head-to-head.
It can be noted that Titan took the points of the old Orange eSports club, as they had four of the five players of that roster (all excluding Mushi, who moved out into DK). Meanwhile, the new Orange eSports team took the points of team MUFC, who disbanded after the forgettable performance on The International 3.
While the playoffs have been originally set to be held in January, RGN will be moving it forward because of the league's adjusted schedule. The quarterfinals will be held on 29-30 November, while the seminfinals onward will be held on December. The matches on the quarters and the semis will be best-of-three, while the finals and the bronze match will be best-of-five. The top three teams will receive $7987~ (10,000 SGD), $2397~ (3,000 SGD) and $1597~ (2,000 SGD) respectively.
RGN League had its first playweek last May. Initially a ten-team tournament, several teams had to pull out because of different circumstances. Rattlesnake and RisingStars were both disallowed by Ace, while team Zenith decided to pull out after their roster fell out post-TI3. TongFu also decided to exit the tournament after The International 3, but they were replaced by the Thai-team Awake. Awake is the only team who will be missing the playoffs after suffering defeat against Impervious on the head-to-head.