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19 years ago

Up and Coming: Protoss


The time is here again for a GosuGamers Tournament. This time it's also a 16man invite tournament but not exactly like The Ace. The concept this time is high skill, but not the highest profile in the BroodWar community.


This time we have deliberately avoided inviting players who are really well known in the community to try and allow someone else their time in the spotlight, and hopefully discover a star in the progress. The tournament will be played on Saturday 15th at 18:00 CET and will be best of 3 single elimination with a best of 5 final.

Yesterday we introduced the Terran players, today it's time for the Protoss players and 1 Random player, or perhaps more of a racepicker. The rest will follow tomorrow. So here are the Protoss players:

Vietnam hL)Prohand

01cbd7892c8ee1bbf4264b4a3f589b4aa1704a1df5354a2f7efba57e69Name, age, location
Nguyen Minh Tuan 21 years, Ha Noi, now study in Russia

Ok, so what do you think about this tournament idea? High skill, but not so known players.
To participate in a tournament with some gosu from many country is my pleasure. I've played SC not for a long time but I'll try my best.

Your first opponent is Poland MgZ)Gohan. Have you played with him before? Do you expect to win vs him?
Hmm.... I've never have any match with him but i'll try my best nomatter what the enemy is. Of course in a match, no one wants to be a loser

What are your favorite MUs? and who do you usually practice with?
I used to play in PGT server and 3 MU is the same

I think that's it, anything else you want to say?
I'll wish there'll be more tournament like this so that Vietnamese players can show their skill. Hope the tournament will be fine and have lots of good match

Australia ExistenT

e6861220ed04b16f935643528031b682d03f02665976e3dd58552f0b55Lets start with name, age, location.
Real name is Ilkan age 18 location sydney

What do you think about this tournament idea? high skill, but low fame factor
Firstly its all about fun at least for me, as in skill level i guess its balanced few high skilled players such as Gohan, G5 and few low skilled players such as me. I dunno what to say about fame factor.

My next question was going to be what chance you gave yourself... but i suppose you answered that
Thanks for putting me against the best zerg in the tourney

You're welcome
So i guess ur next question will be, whos the favour in the tourney?

Yeah, please carry on interviewing yourself.
Either mRv.Hullah, Gohan or G5.

Since you're a GosuGamers GosuBet admin... who would be your all-in recommendations in round 1?
Hard call. All-in Gohan then.

Who do you usually play and practice with?
Well I dont play with many europeans. As z players xiang[kis], gucman[siege]. Terran: aus.atlantis, lastscv[ckg] and oG)Duke. P i dont practice since i hate it. Coz of different timezone i dont get chance to practice with europeans, its hard to play at 2-3am so i usually practice with aussies.

What is your favorite matchup/least favorite matchup?

Last question now. Your chances in round 1?
what maps are we playing on? I'll tell u my chance depending on that. (editorial note: 10min whining about maps). 30% to 70%

That's it. Anything else you want to say?
Bman is gosu - and ftw !

Hungary MgZ)Kashu

12256d58bf671feb5692f834e1f146890e7044eeabcf0aa2fdf75a6dddLets start with name, age and location
Im Gergely Fincza, 20, Hungary

How long have you been playing sc and how long have you been in mgz?
I started my play in 2002 december and im mgz for 2.5 months only, because i always played in sponsored hungarian multi gaming clans.

And what do you think about this tournament idea? High skill with not the most famous players
Fame and skill isnt same. In the last 2 years i beat all of the European "famous" players, but nobody know my account. When im joined mgz and i won mini micro gamerz tour qualification and iG tour qualification, everybody know more about me, but my skill is same. I think many people has got better fame like their skill.

So you're a random player correct?
Almost, I'm race picker and sometimes random. I play zvt zvp and rvz, but sometimes rvt I have to play simple match ups because in ladders nobody play vs randoms in high rank.

I suppose you will play zvp in round 1. Your opponent is Sweden oG)StormToss. Have you played vs him before and how do you think you'll do vs him?
I beat him on wgtour 3-0 at once, i dont afraid, because zvp is my best, I can beat all toss in europe I think .

Confident. I like that. So let me give you a list of the players who are in this event... and then ask who you think will be your biggest problem
I think Poland MgZ)Gohan is the best players here, 3 of the zergplayers are very good as well. But i want win.

Ok so my last question... who do you normally play/practice with?
Generally i play some warm up games on PGT, after i go play in clan wars and tourneys. I havent got enough time to practise, because i havent got internet in weekdays, only i play some games in Icafé. I play only in weekends. Anyway we ve got great practise chance with all MgZ) players. Certainly i ve got some train partners from Hungary too.

Thanks for the interview, anything else you want to say?
tHx the interview and MicrogamerZ ownz! (and hello mom)

Poland MgZ)Gohan

db735a772ea0a112fcaaff1643eb680be077ac9d27ee3232f310fe8820Lets start with name, age and location
Krzysztof Christopher Zyszczuk, 19, Terespol ( near Belarus) in Poland

Your opponent in round one is a Vietnam hL)Prohand. Ever heard of /played with him before?
No, i see his id first time.

What about who you practice with usually?
Well if i want to practice 1/1 i go PGT or other leagues ( including polish), i dont have permanent pratice players. I used to play more 2vs2 since I've meet Fabian. But now when he is offline, i'm trying to play 1/1 when i have some free time.

How well do you think you will do? And who do you think have a good chance of winning?
I dont want to be arrogant, but i believe in my skills and myself. Echo and Starclan are good too and if they're enough active nowadays they are candidates for win. But I dont include any suprises in this tourney.

Confidence is always good. What do you think about the tournament idea? high skill, but not the usual very well known players
True, its good idea to organise tourney like this, where not so popular players have to chance to promote himself. Im bored of seeing Mondragon/Draco/other players fighting.

Thanks for the interview, anything else you want to say?
GL HF all, regards for MgZ, GN and all my friends.

United States uT)G5

d92c56252f6665e10180a0e8cde7c96e9ac4eeaae4e0dda98f3f97c421Lets start with name, age and location
Eric Rothmuller, 18, California, USA

What do you think about the tournament format? sort of unknown players, but high skill
Well its a nice idea from I am confident against almost any player though

So you think your chances of winning are pretty good?
well like any tournament, it depends on who I run into. Predy has a pretty scary PGT record, I have never played him but he looks like a challenge. Starclan is very respectable also.

You mentioned two terrans.. is PvT your weak MU?
No, I mention them because its the only players I rely have heard of / know in this tournament. All of my match ups are pretty equal and I enjoy playing all of them.

Well, you have a Terran in round one as well. theognis (echo). He says he's played you a few times in the past, but doesn't really know your current skill level. What chances do you think you have of beating him?
I don't know his current skill level either so I can't rely answer that. I am confident though.

And i have to ask about Korea. You went there for a while and took part in the courage tournament right? Was that the reason you went there, or more of a bonus while you were there?
Well I had made some money and was thinking of going to the Orient for a while. Playing Starcraft just made the choice easier because of all of the friends I have made from Korea over the years. It was a blast, I went there, lived like a Korean in central Seoul. Hanging out with guys like Rank[Shield], IsLove[Shield], Player[3.33] and various others everyday was amazing. These guys would come over every day, plop down on the floor with me and eat some lunch, play some starcraft, hit up some pc rooms and then finally hit up seoul. While I was there I saw alot and actually went to Tokyo, Japan for a bit after Korea. I did compete in some lans, Sky Blue Lan, couple local lan tournaments and a short Courage League appearance . Was a good experience.

If you had to pick some favorites, besides yourself...
I would still keep it to Predy / Starclan

Ok, thanks for the interview, any shoutouts or anything?
yeah shout out to all of my friends and a special shout out to Rank[Shield], TheMachine, TransfuSe and Toxic[mF] for always being there~ Good luck to everyone in this tourney~

Sweden oG)StormToSS

e3b1acba9d90dcd680079d9ff3b180c6533c8424a4c67557f95b34f4c3Lets start with name, age and location
Oskar Sjöström, 16, Stockholm/Sweden

What do you think about the tournament concept? high skill, not too famous players.
I think it's nice, there's a lot of tournaments that always have the same players and you dont get invited without merits but you have to start getting them somewhere

Your opponent in round 1 is MgZ)Kashu. You know him/played with him?
Actually never heard of him. MgZ) has a lot of good players tho so Im sure he's nice.

Besides you two is there anyone you think is a favorite?
mRv.Hullah is very good I met him in some tours before. I think him and myself are the best players out of the 16

Nice, a lot of confident players in this tour so what is your worst/best MU?
My matchups are actually very even.. depends a bit from time to time, sometimes I do well in one matchup and sometimes I totally suck at it but overall they're very equal. I think that's one of my stronger sides that Im as good in most maps/matchups. Not like some players who are only able to play a certain matchup or certain maps.

So your in oG), zoxxer is in oG). Tell us a little bit about how bad he is at broodwar?
He's REALLY bad lol, he thinks he's good but he isnt poor thing imagining things. He even tries to tell you that he USED to be a top player. It's sad really...

Thanks for the interview. Anything else you want to say?
Not really, shoutouts to Mathias


A special thanks to Vietnam Minh Duc "vSc)P(Minde" Vo Pham for helping with inviting and interviewing his countryman who uses hL)Sunny_Girl in PGT.

The Brackets
?????? vs ExistenT
3D.Demich vs ??????
MgZ)Gohan vs hL)Prohand
InC)ImaGe vs ??????
DoA.theogNis vs uT)G5
CDS)PredY vs ??????
iG.StarClan vs ??????
oG)StormToSS vs MgZ)Kashu

Map pool. Starting map round 1 is Luna, r2 Rush Hour etc.
Rush Hour
Ride of Valkyries
Namja Iyagi

Tomorrow we will reveal the Zerg players. This event will be shoutcasted by GosuGamers own Canada Micro-Lzuruha and maybe someone else on the same stream. Links to that shoutcast will be up on Saturday before the tournament starts.

GosuGamers - Terrans introduced