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CS28 years ago

GODSENT qualify for ESL Pro League Season 6

GODSENT bested BIG, PENTA and Spirit to take first place in the ESEQ Premier S5 EU tournament and earn their spot in the EPL.

The Swedish team GODSENT has locked in their spot in ESL Pro League Season 6, thanks to their take-no-prisoners win from the ESEA Premier playoffs. The team first faced Epsilon in the quarterfinals, then continued on to take down Spirit. Neither those teams nor their Grand Final opponent, BIG, could best GODSENT. In the Grand Final, GODSENT took 10 Terrorist rounds on de_Mirage to easily take the map. Though BIG had a stronger presence on de_Cache, they ultimately weren't able to hold back the Swedish tide, who then went on to best BIG 2-0.

GODSENT's Simon "twist" Eliasson and Joakim "disco doplan" Gidetun both had an impressive +17 K/D, while all but Johannes "tabseN" Wodarz went negative for BIG. All hope isn't lost for the German squad, however - both BIG and PENTA will have another chance to qualify for EPL S6. 

GODSENT's record as of late has been consistent, though not championship-winning; they placed in the 3rd-4th range at DreamHack Winter 2016 back in November, while dropping to 9th-11th at their most recent tournament (before ESEA Premier), the ELEAGUE Major 2017. Within the past few months, however, they've been constant challengers to Championship titles, with 3rd-4th place finishes in various premiers. The team most recently traded flusha and JW back to fnatic for twist and disco doplan again.

