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CS210 years ago

Kinguin pick up CS:GO team

Hong Kong-based Kinguin have continued their move into CS:GO, signing ScreaM and Maikelele's international squad.

After much speculation about the creation of an international team the deal is finally through. The last month saw both Adil "ScreaM" Benrlitom and Mikail "Maikelele" Bill commenting on the rumors of the duo creating an international team. They had confirmed the willingness to create such a team and it started looking more likely after the breakup of Team Orbit.

After Maikelele confirmed the addition of Alexander "SKYTTEN" Carlsson, the team started looking for their fourth player. Portuguese organisation k1ck lost their players who decided not to extend their contracts. Shortly after Ricardo "fox" Pacheco left the ex-k1ck roster, the group confirmed his addition to the new team.

Yesterday LGB released  Håvard "rain" Nygaard from his contract. The organisation has previously confirmed that other teams were interested in capturing the young Norwegian. Rain is one of the most exciting prospects in the competitive scene and, no doubt, a lot of teams were interested in him. The international squad confirmed their interest in acquiring the services of the 20 year old many times and it comes as no surprise that rain decided to join this team.

Not only have there been speculation about what players the international team will end up having but also what organisation will they play under. The CS community have speculated that the team will join the SK-gaming, an organisation famous for their 1.6 achievements. After the team acquired more players the move looked more likely. The deal, however, was overtaken by Hong Kong-based, digital-key organisation Kinguin, who already have a big interest in CS as an e-sport. After the last-minute deal went through, Maikelele released the following statement:

For a long time Adil and I have been discussing a potential lineup with both of us wanting it badly. Right after being released from NiP we picked up those talks and started looking over our possibilities to make it come true. We now have all the support and backup needed to go all the way in Team Kinguin and I know I speak for my team when I say that's exactly what we're going to do.

Maikele would go on to say:

Our goal is simple. We want to play against the top tier teams in the top tier tournaments. It won't be easy and we know that a lot of time and effort will be needed to honor what Adil and I once could only dream about. Trust me when I say we are ready though. Are you? Let's go!

Team Kinguin roster:
Sweden Mikail "Maikelele" Bill
Belgium Adil "ScreaM" Benrlitom
Sweden Alexander "SKYTTEN" Carlsson
Portugal Ricardo "fox" Pacheco
Norway Håvard "rain" Nygaard

Team Kinguin annoucement & picture source.

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