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James "Kaelaris" Carrol is the person that will fill the vacancies left by the departure of Mr. Bitter and RotterdaM from ESL. Kaelaris will step in position next month.
James is by no means a stranger to ESL events as last month he traveled to Hanover to sit behind the casting desk of IEM World Championship along notable commentators such as BitterdaM and dApollo. With the departure of the former, Kaelaris seems like a logical choice to fill the empty spot.
"I am extremely humbled and excited by the prospect of working with ESL. I feel monumentally lucky to have been picked for the position and as such, intend to take my casting to the next level during my stay. The community deserves 110% effort. There's a thousand other people out there that want these kinds of opportunities and I intend to prove I was the right choice. This is certainly a chance for a Commentator of Britian to show his Quality."
According to, James will not only be in charge of the ESL eSports events but will also take part in some new upcoming show which are still unannounced.