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General14 years ago

GOMTV presents further World Championship details

GOMTV has rolled out further details regarding their upcoming World Championship Seoul event. Next to the already invited players, a handful of European, Americas and Asia players will enter an online preliminary to qualify for the event.

The tournament is set for March 28 - April 9, and will include players from all over the world.

Invited already are Jonathan "Jinro" Walsh and Stefan "MorroW" Andersson, Andrew "mOOn-GLaDe" Pender as well as Lim Jae "NesTea" Duk, Jeong Jong "Mvp" Hyeon, Lee Jung "MarineKing" Hoon and Lee Yoon "NaDa" Yeol.

The preliminaries will feature a wide set of players, at the moment 18 have been announced on the GOMTV page.

Among the Asian preliminary attendees we see Hamish "Kowi" Parker and Li Wei "xiaOt" Sun, both well-known WarCraft 3 players who have transitioned successfully into StarCraft 2. Taiwanese Zerg legend Yang Chia "SEn" Cheng is also in the list. Add to that Singaporean duo Marcus Tan "Revenant Sin Yik and Wei Yang "OxygeN" Lim and BlizzCon familiar Thanapol "RedArchon" Kuachat.

The preliminary participants from Europe include the usual suspects: Grzegorz "MaNa" Komincz, Aleksey "White-Ra" Krupnyk, Dmytro "DIMAGA" Filipchuk, Tomasz "Tarson" Boron, Giacomo "Socke" Thüs, Santeri "Naama" Lahtinen and Jeffrey "SjoW" Brusi.

Players from North and South America include Chris "HuK" Loranger, Jian Carlo "Fenix" Morayra Alejo, Taylor "PainUser" Parsons and Payam "TT1" Toghyan.

Aside from the one-on-one World Championship, where first prize is set to 30,000,000 KRW (~€19,200 EUR), players will go at it in a World Team League where 8 Korean All Star players take on World All Star players.

Tournament invitations
Korea NesTea (Incredible Miracle)
Korea Mvp (Incredible Miracle)
Korea MarineKing (Prime.WE)
Korea NaDa (Old Generations)

Australia mOOn-GLaDe (FXOpen)
Sweden Morrow (Mousesports)
Sweden Jinro (Liquid)

Preliminaries Participants
Poland MaNa (Mousesports)
Finland Naama (Virus)
Ukraine White-Ra (Duckload Gaming)
Germany Socke (aTTaX)
Poland Tarson (Millenium)
Ukraine DIMAGA (mTw)
Sweden SjoW (Dignitas)

Canada HuK (Liquid)
United States PainUser (Lazarus Gaming)
Peru Fenix (Fnatic)
Canada TT1 (Fnatic)

ThailandRedArchon ()
Singapore Revenant ()
Singapore OxygeN ()
New Zealand Kowi (Kiwi)
Taiwan SEn (Fnatic)
China xiaOt (Nv)
China xigua (Nv)

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