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General14 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

PTR Patch 1.2.0 readjusted

A few hours ago, Bashiok announced via the official forums that there will be some alterations in the upcoming Patch 1.2.0 that was recently on the PTR.

Bashiok Wrote:
We would like to thank everyone for their participation thus far in the first StarCraft 2 public test. We’re in the process of temporarily taking down the PTR in order to apply changes based on your feedback and testing.

Some of the changes we’re working on implementing:

# Bunker build time reduction removed as previously noted

# Fungal Growth’s terrestrial limitation has been removed and the ability once again affects air units

# It will once again be possible to hold down a key to repeat a hotkey command

This down time is expected to start tomorrow at noon, 12:01 p.m. PST and last for approximately 2-3 days. Keep an eye on this forum for updates on when you can rejoin the Public Test Region and begin testing the newest changes.

Thanks for your help!

Are the adjustments reasonable? Should more of them be removed or others reconsidered? Discuss!

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