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A new Battle Ground soon!


When Blizzard released the two first Battle Grounds most peoples were disappointed at the long wait before they could join the fight. To help out a little bit more have Blizzard stared to make a new BG: Arathi Basin!

Blizzard have now given us a preview of the new Battle Ground; Arathi Basin, that you can find in the Arathi Highlands. The whole place is full of resources, and to win the run you have to take over all five resource nodes in Arathi Basin to win "Each claimed node generates resources for the owning team. The more nodes your team controls, the quicker you gain natural resources. The first team that gains 2,000 resources wins" - Blizzard writes. For your help you will have 14 other plyers to fight down you 15 enemys.

The war between Horde and Alliance has spilled onto a new arena. As resources are spent waging battle, both sides must find new territories to plunder in order to feed their ongoing war effort. The League of Arathor and the Forsaken Defilers have both been tasked with conquering the resource-rich Arathi Basin...and you have been drafted to help.

Enter Arathi Basin.

To enter the Arathi Basin you have to be in Arathi Highlands, the entrance for Alliance will be found at Refuge Point. And if you are horde you will have the entrance north of Hammerfall. Outside both entrances will you find 3 NPCs, the first one is a guard that defends, the other to is a vendor NPC and a Quest giver NPC.

WoW-Europe.com - Look at the preiview of: Arathi Basin

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