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General16 years ago

October 2008 KeSPA Rankings

As we hit the middle of autumn another KeSPA ranking is released. Overall not a massive change from September. The top three remain the same, with Flash sitting comfortably on his throne. GGPlay is back in the rankings, Leta seems to be steadily climbing while Anytime aka Death God will soon be leaving the top 30. Other than that, a fairly stable month.

KeSPA Rankings October 2008
1FlashKTF MagicNs2,014.0-
2JaedongLecaf OZ1,689.8-
3StorkSamsung KHAN1,326.8-
4BeStSK Telecom T11,282.9+2
5fOrGGLecaf OZ1,277.3-
6LuxuryKTF MagicNs1,210.5-2
7JulyZergSTX SouL1,210.5+1
8MindWeMade FOX1,210.5+2
9MuchCJ Entus1,156.5-
10BisuSK Telecom T11,107.0+1
11SeaMBCGame HERO1,083.8-1
12JangBiSamsung KHAN1,044.0+1
13KalSTX SouL1,025.3-1
14HwasinSTX SouL887.3-
15NaDaWeMade FOX848.3-
16BackHoLecaf OZ846.4+1
17LightMBCGame HERO820.5-1
18freeHanbit Stars794.6-
19RockWeMade FOX787.5-
20YellOw[ArnC]OnGameNet Sparkyz782.3-
21MidasSK Telecom T1743.3+2
22firebatheroSamsung KHAN703.1-1
23RumbleSK Telecom T1648.8+1
24sAviOrCJ Entus619.5-2
25IrisCJ Entus599.6+2
26LetaOnGameNet Sparkyz589.9+4
27KwanroCJ Entus581.4-1
28GGPlayCJ Entus573.8+4
29CanataSK Telecom T1567.6-2
30AnytimeLecaf OZ551.5-5

As noted, the point difference between FlaSh and Jaedong is still substantial. With 8 Zergs, 12 Terrans and 10 Protoss it seems that Terran still hold the first place in numbers but it's worthwhile to mention that most Protoss hold top-middle tier positions with only one in the 20-30 position.

Translated by myself and South Korea EffOrt. Thanks for the GGPlay help!

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