ThuocLao. Photo: ESVN
Once again, Vietnam's proA.ThuocLao takes the national champion title at the Vietnam's national World Cyber Games finals. That means he's on his way to the WCG in Cologne this year for another go at the big title. ESVN caught him for an interview.
ThuocLao isn't going to mince words: he feels awesome about his win, and he isn't afraid to say it. He met teammate NextTime on his way to the big title, a match which made him 'uneasy'-- putting aside his feelings, he won the matches and ascended once again to the international WCG finals.
"My head was empty after losing the first BO3," ThuocLao says, "but after the match one of my teammates came over and told me not to think as if I have to win but instead just concentrate on giving a good match." It was this advice that saved him, and he would go on to beat Dream.SCVN in the next best of three with thoughts of his parents in mind.
His road to the national finals didn't involve a great deal of time spent playing. Thuoclao says he's more interested in the effectiveness of his training than in the quantity, devoting all of his attention to his play when he's actually playing. His parents were aware of this, and he notes that they were 'surprised' but proud when they heard he'd won again.
He does have mixed feelings about not facing his nemesis Q9)AutumnWind: while it might have contributed to his success, he does feel it cost him a good challenge for his own skills. He's hoping to face AutumnWind in his next tournament (and take him down) to test himself properly.
He's a little concerned about the fact that the loser brackets of this year's WCG will be bo1, but he says he's simply looking to do his best in the upcoming tournament.

SCforall.com - Translated interview
ESVN - Original interview